Chapter 14

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Daniel POV

I was sitting alone in my room, listening to music with my headphones as it blared the song 'Who I Am' by Jamestown Story off my iPad, when I felt a twinge in my mind. It had been an hour since Clarissa had left me, and I was passing the time till I fell asleep by just messing around on my device. Mostly, this was just looking at old cars for sale, parts, paint, and times for underground street races off the dark web.
I ignored the twinge at first, dismissing it to be nothing but a slight malfunction in the brain. But then it got stronger, and stronger, until I felt compelled to think that something was wrong, though I had absolutely no clue as to what it could be.
I shut off the iPad, putting it on the pillow, walking around my large room in my pajamas. The silence was deafening, and the loneliness was crowding me. I imagined Nicole at this point, when she was singing during church. The way she looked so heavenly, so pure and beautiful. Like an angel.
"Angel..." I said, the word rolling off my tongue slowly, sweetly, like molasses.
I felt the warmth of her hand on my fingertips as I remembered how I had almost gotten to hold her hand. The feeling sent shivers throughout my spine, and made me smile at the thought. She made me feel things I didn't even think im was able to think before. Love.
As I went back to the thought of her singing, my mind all of the sudden switched; it made her look bloody, hurt, the absolute opposite of what I had seen in her. It made me stop, and go to the door. I opened it, walking into the hallway, fast past Chris, to the maids quarters. Something wasn't right. Something was very, very wrong.
Each footstep closer made my heart race faster, until it felt like, it was going to burst from my chest. It was when I reached the quarters, did I get at feeling. I walked in, getting some gasps from the girls at my abruptness, though I kept looking for Nicole.
"Where is nicole?" I asked alleah, getting a point to the bathroom as my answer.
I knocked on the door. There wasn't a response.
"She's been in there for an hour. She might be going through women problems, leave her alone." Alleah said.
The dream came back to me, and it was at that moment I realized what the twitch had meant. But not I did. I started kicking the door, eventually getting it down. I rushed in, looking at the toilet. I let out an audible gasp, before screening, falling to my knees.
The beautiful girl I saw at the church, was bloody. Cut. She looked like she'd been bleeding for a while, as the white linoleum floors were covered in blood, spread out quite a distance. Alleah rushed behind me to look, seeing the blood Nicole, screaming as well.
"Get help, get help!!!!" I yelled, before getting off my knees, running to Nicole. I wrapped her in my arms, almost crying.
       "It's going to be okay.... stay with me... stay with me..." i choked out, hardly able to speak through the grief and the fear. My eyes were tearing up. She was broken... bloody...
       After 5 minutes, Alleah came back, with the on-site doctor that the mansion had, who brought her to her bed, starting to work on Nicole. The doctor told Alleah to escort me out, which she did, despite, my screaming that I wanted to stay by Nicole's side. I sat down on the floor outside the room, crying and praying.
      "God help her... please save her. Please." I begged through my sobs. "Please... save my angel."

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