Chapter 17

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Daniel POV

Over the week of her recovery, I almost never left her side, aside from to go to sleep at night, and various things I needed to do for the car business. The time of year was slow for antique and vintage car buying, so most of my steady income was coming from the underground street races that Oliver had on year round. The Lamborghini Diablo was still in the shop, being fixed up, and prepped for racing conditions, such as a better transmission, different wheel setups, drivetrain, stuff like that, all to fit the needs of the driver, who was still the rookie that Oliver had so much faith in.
It was the final day of Nicole's treatment, and I was grabbing some of her possessions to take to the new room that I had arranged for her, next to my room. She didn't know about it, and she was waking up as I grabbed her stuff.
"Daniel?" She asked sleepily.
"Yeah?" I turned to her.
"What are you doing?"
"I was going to tell you later, but I guess now I have to. I'm moving you to a room deeper in the mansion. I know you really don't like it here, so I'm giving you a room to yourself. If that's okay with you?"
"Of course, thank you. The further from Clarissa at night, the better...." she said, sounding resentful.
"I'll get your stuff over there, and Alleah can help you get situated. You are going shopping with her today for some stuff for the room. All on me." I offered
"I don't feel right, spending your money.."
"It's fine, really. I have more money than what I know to do with. My budget obviously isn't tight." I chuckled.
"Um... okay. If you insist. I won't spend much I promise." She said nervously
"Get anything that'll make you feel comfortable."
"Alright... I will." She said, still seeming rather unsure.
Most people would think I'm crazy. Insensible. For putting so much money into a girl I hardly knew. A girl I had just met a few short days ago, who I was head over heels for. But there was something in her that no other girl had. I didn't even know what it was, but the way she was drew me in for more. She unknowingly had me wrapped around her finger.
"So... tonight, would you like to join me for a celebratory dinner? Private." I offered.
She seemed taken aback by the idea at first, thinking for a couple minutes on the subject.
"Sure. I would love to." She said shyly.
"Fantastic. I have to go to a meeting, so I'll be back by 8 tonight. Be safe, and have fun shopping with Alleah after the doctor clears you with a clean bill of health." I said, waving to her with a smile as I walked out the door.
"Be safe." She called after me.
"I will be. Dinner at nine." I called back, before leaving the building, getting into the camaro and driving off, to the meeting

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