Chapter 50 (New Years Eve Special)

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Daniel POV

I pulled the cufflinks on my sleeves tighter, fitting them snugly to my wrists. I checked the time on my phone; 4 o'clock pm. Almost time for the New Years Eve party that was going on in a rented penthouse in downtown L.A, put on by me, Tasha, and Leo for our business partners and our workers. All in all, the party would have close to 100 people attending, with 87 workers or less, 9 partners, Tasha, Leo, Nicole and I.
We still had an hour before we had to arrive at the party, but I preferred to be early, especially at an event like this. Nicole was getting into her outfit across the room from me. It was a beautiful, blue, flowy dress, with no sleeves, and the bottom going to just bellow her knees. 2 black stripes spiraled down this part.
    "You look so beautiful, angel." I said, walking closer to her, standing a foot behind her. She smiled at me in the mirror that was in front of her. She went back to fixing up her hair, turning it into loose curls.
     "Anything I can help you with?" I asked her.
     "Um... yes, actually. Can you put this in my hair? It can go wherever you want it to go." She said, handing me a hair clip with a couple of small white flowers on it. Their petals were fringed with shades of purple and pink near the center.
     I stood back for a couple seconds, considering deeply where to put it. I put it on the right side of her head, near the top, but on the curve downwards, so it was at an angle facing outwards.
    "Thanks." She said, smiling back at me.
    "No problem. Anything else I can do?" I asked, rubbing her sides. She giggled and jerked slightly, being ticklish there.
    "Hehe~, no, I'll be ready in just a minute." She giggled, grabbing at my hands and giving them a gentle tap.
    I went back and sat on the end of the bed, playing some more with my cufflinks and other parts of my suit, as well as giving the occasional glance at Nicole as she continued to finish up. After a minute or two, she finally turned to me, flashing me one of her grins that I truly loved. It made me feel warm, happy. It was the sort of smile that could calm me at any given moment, no matter how bad it was.
     She was beautiful. As always. So I guess, to say it more accurately, she was absolutely stunning. I got up, walking over to her.
    "Wow.. you look... Wow...." I said, unable to find the words.
     She looked into my eyes, seeing all that I meant in them. She giggled a little, giving me a small smirk.
     "Thank you. And you look really nice as well. So fancy." She joked.
     "Ha, thank you. It'll be fun tonight." I nodded, chuckling to her comment.
     "I finally get to meet Tasha and Leo."
     "You'll like them."
     Together we went out of my room, Nicole going first, down the stairs and out to the car waiting in front of the door. I opened up her door for her letting, her get in first, shutting the door after her, and getting in myself. I was driving a different car, because after the police bust on the Italians Russians and Finnish, the car was basically irreparable, with all the damage it had undergone. Now, I was driving a Ford GT40, which I actually loved more than the Camaro. It was black, with the blue logo of the company on the hood.
     Half an hour of driving later, we arrived at where her phone said the address of the penthouse was, and by the look of the building, which reached high into the air, it seemed right. I quickly went around to open Nicole's door again, letting her out.
    I followed after her as we went inside, being met by someone at the front desk.
    "Hello. How may I help you?" The lady asked.
     "We are with the party for the Falcor Company?" Nicole asked before I could say anything.
     "Certainly. 13th floor, room at the end of the hall." She said, gesturing to the elevator to the right of the desk.
      "Thank you." Nicole said, before she and I walked towards the elevator, getting inside.
       We followed the instructions, and sure enough, that room was the one we needed to go to. We were met by Tasha, who exchanged warm welcomes with Nicole, and bringing us inside.
     "Leo will be late, but nonetheless we will start and he'll join us."
     The food was all set out as well as drinks, and in the corner, the music setup was coming together quite well. Nicole went to the window, looking outside, and I took my place beside her.
     "2017... it's been crazy." She said, looking to me.  
      "No doubt... but I have you in my 2018, so no matter what happens, I'm content."I said to her.
     "Sap." She chuckled.
      "I know. But it's true." I smiled.
      "Hehe, cutie~." She said, calling me by the nickname she had placed to me. And to be honest, I actually really liked every time she called me it.
      One by one, guests arrived. By 5:30, all of our partners had arrived, and by 5:15, the workforce had for the most part showed up. Everyone mingled a bit, taking advantage of the free drinks, which were alcoholic. it was a choice of wine, and beer on tap.
     With Nicole never far away from me, I talked to all of the important partners first, such as the steel producers, and car parts producers, making sure I got on their good side and that they had a good time. The music was more dancy, being a mixture of pop, and ambient techno music.
     "Is this your wife?" One of them asked me, pointing at Nicole.
      "No, but she is my girlfriend." I said, smiling at her.
      "What is your name?" He asked her, getting a little closer.
       "I'm Nicole Karade." She said, holding my hand and pressing more to me.
       "Mind going for a dance?" He asked.
       My cheeks grew red, and I wanted to say no, but she patted my shoulder.
      "I'm sorry, he has all of my dances." She cuddled a little to me.
       "Fair enough. She's a fine one, Daniel." He whispered that last part to me.
        "I'm lucky to have her."I responded.
        I talked with all of the workers, asking them how their day had been and thanking them for taking time to spend their evening at the party. Leo joined in, making his arrival rather grand, which I expected no less from him. He seemed happy to finally meet Nicole, giving her hand a kiss.
      Hours flew by, and during this, Nicole and I had a lot to drink. I was getting buzzed, but she didn't even seem fazed, which surprised the hell out of me. Soon enough 11:59 came along. We all turned the the flatscreen on, which had the life broadcast of the the countdown to the new year from Times Square New York.
     "10! 9! 8! 7! 6! 5! 4! 3! 2! 1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" We all counted in unison. I turned to Nicole, and gave her deep kiss, which she returned as well.
    "Happy new year, angel." I whispered into her ear.
    "Happy new year, cutie."She said in return.
     "Here's to a new year. A new year, with us.."I said, hugging her gently. I felt like this would be the best year of my life, all thanks to her. My angel.

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