Chapter 44

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Nicole POV

The sound of the car was no match for the pounding drum that threatened to burst from my chest. The tears that streamed down my face were hot, and stung my eyes. I squinted them shut, wanting to stop the flow. I couldn't look any weaker than I already did, because weakness would show the fact I'd lost hope, and then it would make it all the easier for Jacob to break me once I arrived to him.
My captors were ones I recognized. Jacob's most trusted people. Ruthless and dangerous, common traits Jacob had in his people, but among those traits was the most important one for him to be able to command them, and that was stupidity.
"You had us scared, Nicole. Jacob was worried he'd lost you. Good thing you lived, even in the clutches of Daniel Falcor. Good thing that bastard didn't kill you. Rest assured, Jacob will have a lot of fun showing you your place after these antics." The voice I recognized to be Irkov, Jacob's task force commander.
My mouth was taped shut, otherwise I would've been screaming and cursing, assaulting them with words that would make most shrink back in fear. Being the son of an Italian, curses and words of anger were my specialty.
"I thought it would be harder to get you back. But Daniel's guards were easier to beat than expected. I assume Oliver's backing out, has made them thin in numbers. In fact, Oliver was the one who told Jacob of your placement. Since Daniel is out of the picture of Oliver's vision, he made new friends. With your father, and your husband. Now that you are safe out of there, as we speak, forces are being sent there to blow him all the way back to the pit Daniel came from. Him, and everyone involved with the bastard."
My head screamed in rage and agony. Alleah, Yvonne, Chris... Daniel... all of the, were going to die, because I wanted to hide from Jacob. Escape.
     The car suddenly sped up rapidly, causing the people in the back to back forward, even Irkov. He cursed, moving toward the front.
     "What the hell is it- SHIT! Floor it!" He yelled to the driver.
     I moved my head to look at the rear view, seeing 6 black cars following us, almost in a uniform manner. The front car was a black Camaro, with, to my extreme joy, the blue symbol I had painted for Daniel for the company. They were coming for me.
     I looked around me, seeing all of their attentions were towards the cars behind us, when I made a bold move. Though my legs were together, I kicked out at Irkov, hitting him square in the balls. He groaned in agony, and fell. Before anyone else could do anything, I kicked at the head of the driver from the side. His head hit the window, hard, and he was out like a light. The car slowed down as the pressure was released from the pedal. But the vehicle also started to swerve. It hit the guard rail, making us stop a lot quicker. Everyone lurched froward, even I did, landing on-top of irkov, who groaned all the more.
     Once the car came to a stop, I grabbed Irkov's knife, hiding it behind me. He shoved me off of him. His face was redder than a tomato, and it looked like he was about to kill me.
     "I SWEAR TO-" bullets started to hit the car, making everyone duck.
     "DAMMIT. Everyone grab flashbangs and guns, and form a line behind the car!" He yelled, and they all did as he ordered. I was left in the car.
     Shots rang out from both sides. I took the knife I'd stolen, and cut the ropes on both my feet and hands, as well as undoing the mouth cover I had. taking a second to think of what my plan was, I devised to sneak out of the van, and try to take them out one by one as they were distracted.
     I opened the back most doors quietly, crawling under the van to them. To my opposite side of them, a pile up of cars had begun. Feet were everywhere. I got up in the back of the van, out of view of Irkov. Looking around, there were at least 30 other of Irkov's men. Daniel was undoubtedly outnumbered.
      About 200 feet to my right, I saw him, ducked behind a car. I stared at him, mentally wiling towards him to look my way. A bullet hit the hood of his car, causing him to flinch away, his head looking my way. He saw me, his eyes widening. I could tell he wanted to run towards me, not caring what danger he was put in. I mouthed to him 'distract.' Making a couple of correlating gestures, before pointing to the knife. After a second of comprehending, he nodded, yelling an order at his men.
     To the front of the suv, was a loud BANG, and a thick veil of smoke enveloped the area around me, and the entire suv. I silently crept to Irkov's side of the vehicle, knife ready. Sounds of dismay and confusion rang out, as well as blind firing. The first man came into view, to which I jumped up, me being a little short, wrapping my arm around him, chocking him. Before he could make a sound, I jabbed the knife into his temple which killed him instantly. His comrade, which was right next to him, didn't even notice. I stabbed the knife into his temple as well. I couldn't catch him, so his body made and audible THUD as it hit the ground. I saw that Daniel and/or his men had dispatched 2 others, leaving only Irkov and one other woman.
     I grabbed the knife by the back of the blade, landing a true mark on her back, through the spinal cord. She yelled in agony, but irkov didn't even turn to look, as he'd already lost so many and didn't want to stop shooting.
     I quietly walked over, grabbing the knife, but the sound of the blade scraping as it was removed from the bone, made him turn around. The smoke had mostly dissipated at this point, so he could see me.
     "YOU!" He tried to grab his knife from the holster I'd stolen it from, but was shocked to find it wasn't there.
     "Looking for this?" I asked, holding his knife up.
     "I'm gonna kill you myself, and tell Jacob it was an accident." He growled, holding up his fists. Behind him, I saw someone run through the smoke. They jumped up, sliding over the hood, kicking irkov over.
     It was Daniel. He held his knife to the back of Irkov's neck. He had so much anger in his face, even I was afraid.
    "Daniel."I said. He relaxed a little.
    "Hello irkov. Never thought I'd see your sorry ass. Jacob would throw a hissy-fit if you were captured for ransom... tie him up, Chris." Chris, who followed right behind Daniel, tied up Irkov.
     "Take him back to the car. Put him in my trunk."
      "Yes sir."
      Daniel turned to me, a tear in his eye. He pulled me close, holding me so tightly I had to struggle to breathe. I hugged back though.
     "God.... I thought you were gone... Nicole.. I was so scared.." he was practically whimpering.
     "I'm okay... I'm glad you came for me.."
     "I'm never letting go."
     "Good... now.. let's go kick some ass."I smirked.
     I pointed to the car to our left, which had more of Jacob's task force. He ran together, he a little faster than I. Daniel kicked down the first one, hunched over to stab him, and I jumped over him to stab the next one in the temple. Daniel threw his knife, getting the last one.
    "One the next car, you go by the hood and I'll do the back." He said.
     I nodded, running over, sneaking under the view of the men above me, aiming over the hood. I crept up beside the one closest to me, kicking out his knee, stabbing the one after him, and finishing off the one I kicked the back of the knee of.
    Daniel likewise had killed the other two, leaving the middle one to us. the middle one noticed Daniel, about to shoot him, when I wrapped my arm around his neck, bending him backward. Daniel reacted instantly, stabbing him in the chest. I let the man fall to die by bleeding out.
    And it was like that we killed 10 others. We were a team, a great team at that, working as a well oiled machine. I felt alive, and in a creepy way, like he and I were almost dancing, going through moves we both seemed to know so well. There was no doubt in my mind. I was in loved with Daniel Falcor, and I never wanted to leave.

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