Chapter 4

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Nicole POV

I woke up early in the morning from someone shaking me. This made me wake up pretty quickly, giving me a small panic attack at the suddenness. In the daze of sleepiness, the shaking reminded me of when Jacob would shake me when he was mad. His power in the shake would make me flail like a rag doll.
"Nicole, time to get up." I heard Alleah whisper to me.
I groaned, my body feeling the earliness that it was. When I opened my eyes, it was mostly dark, aside from a bedside lamp that one of the girls had turned on.
"Can't I sleep more..?" I whined.
"Nope, sorry. Time to get up and moving." She said, grabbing my arm and pulling me upwards. I grabbed my uniform from my bedside table, taking off my pajamas, as well as my black underwear and bra. I put on the white underwear and bra of the uniform, before putting on the top, and the skirt. The skirt revealed a little bit of my butt, and the top made my breasts seem quite big. I was not a fan of being dressed this way. It made me seem like a slut. A tool to any males. Just like to Jacob. This thought caused my chest to constrict. My eyes started to sting as tears started to inch their way to my eyes, where they could then fall down my cheeks, showing all the girls around me how weak I was. And I already was getting dirty looks from them after last night when Daniel came to 'visit' me.
I held back the tears, following Alleah out into the hall. Instead of going to the kitchen, which Alleah pointed out to me, we went upstairs, to a large room, with some pews. A... church?
"What is this place...?" I asked her.
"It's Sunday. We have an hour sermon here on the estate. A family friend of Daniel's that is a pastor at a large Lutheran church comes and preaches for us. We have to get this place looking nice and clean, as well as get communion ready as well as light all the candles. The other half of us are getting the brunch feast ready, and will join us for the sermon before it starts." She informed me.
"Oh... wow.." I said. I wasn't a strong believer in God. It was hard to believe in a God that let Jacob rape me and hurt me all the times he did. All the bad, and he never helped.
"Are you a believer?" She asked, as if reading my mind.
"I'm not totally sure.. I once did. But I've lost that faith in my life.." I responded, looking at the cross at the head of the room.
"I hear you. My mom died from cancer when I was young.. leaving me to take care of Daniel and dad." She said.
My eyes widened.
"Wait.. you are his sister...?" I asked, rather bewildered.
"That I am. Surprising isn't it?" She chuckled.
"Actually, yeah. You are so kind and sweet... and he's.." I didn't want to say anything to offend her.
"An ass? A perv? Yeah, he kinda is. I'm surprised he moved me aside to get to you.most times he'll stop and listen because I'm the older one." She laughed.
"I have question about that. Why do you sleep in the maid's quarters instead of your own room? And from there, why are you maid in the first place? You could have it easy." I asked, rather confused.
"I was one of the only staff when Daniel started his business. It took a few years of living in a tiny, old house, to finally get this place. I started doing the maid stuff, and as he got more money from the business, he got more staff, to the point I could have quit, but I learned I really liked the job. I got a small income, plus I got to be on a personal with all the maids. I got to have friends. You are the first I have told about me being his sister... say nothing to anyone." She begged.
"I promise. I won't treat you differently. But.. why me?"
"I feel a vibe off of you.. you are like me. Every friend is important. They are like family."
She was right. Even with my dad being the second in command of the Italian Mafia, I never had friends. I always was taught privately, so I didn't get to meet other girls. Only friend I had was the secretary for Jacob, and even that was iffy. Jacob kept me to himself, always. No one else could see me, except my dad. And he had no want to see me. I was his useless bargain chip. Not a daughter.
"Yeah.. I guess you are right." I said eventually, smiling a little at her.
We all worked on the pews first. Dusting them, fluffing the cushions, straightening the hymnals, and placing paper on the plan of the sermon in each hymnal.
We set up communion, everything that needed for the church sermon. At about the time we finished, men of Daniel's started coming in. As well as a secretary or two. I saw Chris, and then.. Daniel. I shuddered a little, looking at the side of his face, as he was turned away. I couldn't break the gaze with him. He then turned, locking eyes with me. He gave me that smirk. I shivered a little, quickly looking away. But even without seeing him, I knew he was getting closer. I heard some people shift aside to let him through. But before Daniel got to me, another man walked up. He was wearing a black suit, with a blue tie, and a white undershirt. He stood in front of me, and I looked up, not to be rude.
The man looked almost identical to Daniel, except he had green eyes, and he was letting his facial hair grow into a short beard, unlike Daniel who was clean shaven. I wasn't a fan of facial hair.
"You look new here. Did Daniel hire you recently?" He asked, his voice smooth, but there was that underlying tone of danger. It wasn't intentional, but everything about him seemed dangerous.
I knew who it was without needing to be told. Oliver. Daniel's Finnish mafia boss brother.
"Today's my first day." I responded stiffly.
"You are cute~." He commented huskily.
At this point, Daniel walked over, standing between me and him. I actually felt safe with him there. I saw Oliver first give a look of confusion, then he pursued his lips.
"Happy Sunday, Daniel. I was just talking to.... what was your name?" He started.
Before I could answer, Daniel did.
"Nicole." I could hear the tone. He wasn't happy with Oliver.
"Cute." Oliver said.
Daniel didn't respond, just staring at Chris. Chris smirked a little, an evil smirk, walking away, to sit at a pew. Daniel turned to me, about to say something, when the pastor walked up. He seemed to be in his mid-50's, with gray hairs starting to be seen on his otherwise black hair.
"Daniel! How good to see you." The pastor said, hugging him.
"Pastor Joey. Great to see you. How's it been recently..?" Daniel asked, concerned.
"It's been as good as it can be... this fight has been hard on my body.. but my doctor is optimistic. It'll be okay." Joey said, patting his shoulder.
"I can borrow you money if you need some." Daniel offered.
"Oh no, I'll be fine. Thank you though. I better get started, though. It's about time to start." Joey said. Walking up to the podium in front.
I was stunned. Someone as cruel and brutal as Daniel Falcor showed true care and concern for someone other than himself.
The pianist at the front, next to the podium, started playing, showing the beginning of the sermon. I sat down next to Alleah and Yvonne, along with the rest of the maids. Daniel sat with his brother to his left, and Chris to his right, in the pew across the isle from me.
"Good morning everyone." Joey started out.
"Good morning PJ." Everyone responded in unison, I being the only one who was silent.
"I'll have you all turn to page 357 in your hymnals. Alleluia, Song of Sweetness." He said, opening his own book.
The pianist started to play the notes, all of them sounding familiar. The Italians would attend church sermons as well on Sundays, though it would be to St. Timothy Catholic Church. This song was familiar to me.
"Alleluia, song of sweetness, Voice of joy that can't die;
Alleluia is the anthem, ever dear to the choirs on high;
In the house of God abiding, thus they sing eternally, Amen."
The song went on, and halfway through, I saw Daniel in the corner of his eye, looking at me. He was absolutely focused on me. He wasn't singing, just watching me. I looked at him, continuing to sing. As soon as he saw that I had noticed, he turned his back to the front, going back to singing. I did the same.
After the sermon had been completed, Pastor Joey hugged us all goodbye, leaving.
I saw Daniel and Oliver, talking in the corner, rather secretively. Daniel seemed conflicted. Deciding it was better not to snoop, I walked with the crowd, to the lunch hall.

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