Chapter 1

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Daniel POV

    When I got back, with a younger mechanic driving the Diablo behind me, parking it in the spot of the garage I told him to, I was met by a taller man, dressed in white with a blue tie, having similar facial hair and color as I had, so to even the unknowing onlooker could tell that we were related. The man before me, was none other, than my older brother, Oliver.
     "Oliver... I just bought the Diablo. I'm guessing you have a street race you want it to compete in?" I asked.
     "Right you are. I've got a new driver who looks like he could really take in some cash for us. And the Diablo is just what we needed." Oliver responded, bored. This was usually the way he addressed me, having only interest in the cars I had in my inventory instead of me as a brother.
      "Give me a day or two, I'll have it ready." I waved at him dismissively.
      "Ah ah ah, don't keep that attitude with me. Remember what I've done for you." He commented, walking away.
      I flipped him off behind his back, turning back to the mansion and going inside. Yes, my brother was an asshole at most times, but he provided me the cash to keep my business going, and to live in the mansion I had. Some days he was nice, others, he was just a plain asshole.
       "He wants the Diablo?" Chris asked as I came in.
       "Yeah, nothing new. Hopefully he'll let me display the McLaren F1 I had my eyes  on.." I said, walking by the stairs and into the dining hall.
The maids had already brought the food in, setting it on the table just as I arrived. I took off my dress coat, and rolled up the white sleeves of the under shirt, before sitting down, starting to eat alone, as I usually did.
It was at this point, Chris walked up behind me, sitting in the chair to my left, starting to eat the meal that had been given to him.
       We ate in silence, before I left the room, to go to my office to work on car orders, shipments, sales, all the stuff that kept my income steady.
      I was working well into the night, having nothing else to do but just work and eat, and sleep a little. It was around 1 a.m. One of the maids came in, rather quietly, placing my supper on a plate, as it had been 11 hours since lunch. She gave me a flirty gesture, before walking out. I was about to eat, when Chris walked in.
      "What is it?" I demanded.
      "We have a stowaway in the Diablo... you might want to come see this..." he said to me, gesturing for me to follow him.
      I stood up, walking after him furiously. Whoever the f*ck it was in that car, they were going to feel my anger. He went into the garage, towards the Diablo, which was brought down from the lift. I opened the door abruptly, actually growling, about ready to punch someone, my fists balled up and ready. But within a split second of seeing the stowaway, I stopped instantly.
       A girl. Not young, probably about 21 or 22, but she was skinny. She was dirty, her dress torn and muddied. There were bruises visible on her body where there wasn't mud, as well as small cuts. Her dirty-blonde hair was tousled and ragged. But what caught me the most, was her eyes. The way they looked at me. The blue-ish eyes met mine, the fear in them almost overwhelming. I felt my face soften, and my fists unball.
      "A girl?" Chris said, amazed.
      Him saying this snapped me back into reality. I growled lowly, reaching down and picking her up. She screamed and squirmed, trying to hit me, but I could hardly feel it, she was so weak. I brought her out of the garage, mumbling angrily under my breath, going up the stairs, and down the hallway, towards my bedroom.
      "Let me go!" She screamed, causing me to stop again, but I recovered myself quickly, opening the door and walking in.
      "Let me go!" She screamed again, and this time I obliged, tossing her onto the bed, making sure though not to hurt her severely.
       She was about to get up and escape, but I grabbed my handgun off the table, pointing it at her, making her freeze immediately.
       "Stay... right there..." I said, a little out of breath.
       I grabbed my office chair, sitting on it, putting my arms on my knees, and hunching myself over, though keeping eye-contact with her.
      "I'm only going to say this once... who are you, and who the hell did you get in that car?" I demanded.
      She swallowed deeply, her eyes having that same expression of fear in them I'd seen before. It almost made me want to put the gun down, and take her in my arms. But I wasn't going to do that. I needed answers.
      It took her a bit, and I started to wonder if she was going to actually say something or not. I pulled back the action on the gun, making her tense up, and start shivering a little. I actually smirked, having a slight feeling of accomplishment at the reaction from her. Yes, I'm twisted.
      "Last call." I said after pulling back the action.
      She again gulped, and looked down at the floor.
     "My name is Nicole..." she said hoarsely.

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