Chapter 6

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Daniel POV

    I sat down at the head of the table, beside P.J. Once my brother was seated, at the other end of the table thankfully, P.J bowed his head and started to pray. We all followed his example, bowing our heads and closing our eyes, listening to his prayer.
       "Our father, who art in heaven. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, so that we remember the sacrifice of your only son, our lord and savior, Jesus Christ, who was crucified and died on the cross, so that our sins may be washed from our sinful bodies. We pray to you, O God, that you provide food and water to those in need, safety to those in poverty, hope to those, who have no hope left to go on with, we pray you show your power through us, to make the world, a better place. Amen."
        In unison we all echoed his amen, before the maids came in, placing silver platters full of food and glasses filled with drinks. Luckily enough for me, Nicole was the one in charge of serving me, placing my platter filled with three pancakes, two slices of bacon, and a small pitcher of syrup, all in front of me. She was purposely avoiding eye contact, and I could see the ever so slightest trace of a blush on her cheeks. As she turned around to leave, I quickly and secretly pinched her butt.
        She let out a loud squeak of surprise, grabbing her butt. When she turned to give me a glare, I couldn't help but chuckle at the fire in her eyes, and the red spreading across her cheeks from the embarrassment.
        When she realized that everyone was looking, she quickly shuffled away, back into the kitchen, where the maids would have their own little private breakfast.
        I saw P.J shake his head at me. I felt a little ashamed, but I shrugged it off, eating my breakfast enjoyably. Once we were all done, the maids came back and picked up our plates, Nicole having to pick up mine.
      "Kitten~" I whispered to her. She got flustered again, hurrying into the kitchen yet again, and I couldn't help but feel quite satisfied with myself.
       I looked across at Oliver, who was giving me a look of  'you just stepped into bad territory'. And I smirked. The one time in my life I actually wanted to push buttons.
         Everyone left the mansions soon after that didn't live here, going off to whatever Sunday business they had to do.i started humming whimsically, before tapping the shoulder of Alleah as she walked by.
       "Where is Nicole?" I asked her.
       "I think she walked off towards the west wing."
       "Towards the garage?"
       I rushed towards there, fuming. She was trying to get away. Steal one of my cars and leave. Not over my dead body would she embarrass me like that.
       I saw the door to the garage half open, quietly slipping in. I looked around, before seeing her next to the Lamborghini Diablo. I was about to yell at her, or shoot her, or both, when I saw her gently rubbing the rise of the car. She was studying every inch of it, and enjoying to do so. I sat and watched her, perplexed at why she was doing this. She definitely had no intention of stealing the car, she was just looking at it, but why. She got to the hood, her back to me, bending over to look at something. The short skirt revealed all, giving me a full-moon view of her butt. This made me feel a little warm inside. Lustful.
       I quietly walked closer, and closer, until I was only inches away.
       "Hello there, kitten."

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