Chapter 51

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9 months later. Daniel POV

I woke up early that morning. October 13th. 11 months of being with Nicole. I had my arms wrapped around her as she slept, and looking at her gave me the same fuzzy feeling that never grew old, and I knew never would. Her back was to me, but I could see her head on the pillow, relaxed and beautiful as always. This was a routine I went through every morning. I'd just watch her, and think of how lucky I was. And when she was about to wake up, I'd kiss her cheek, and tell her good morning. We'd lay there for the better part of 15 minutes, just enjoying the silence and peace that the morning brought.
"Happy anniversary." I whispered in her ear.
"Happy anniversary." She responded, flipping onto her other side so she was facing me. I placed a kiss on her lips. A gentle, slow one, that we held for a couple seconds.
"Nicole?" I asked her.
"Yeah, Danny?" She asked.
"Let's go for a ride today. Just cruise around." I suggested.
"I'll get dressed." She said, getting out of bed.
I did the same, walking over to our shared dresser, and taking a pair of my jeans out, a blue t-shirt, socks, and underwear. I took off my pajamas, before then putting on my selected attire. Nicole put on a pair of jeans, as well as a light grey shirt, with an angel wing design on the back of it.
"You go get breakfast, angel. I have to pack some stuff into the car." I said, squeezing her hand gently.
"Okay, cutie." She gave me a quick kiss, before leaving to go downstairs.
I had a couple of things I wanted to bring. I wanted to bring a small picnic, but that I would have to stop at a grocery store for, to grab food and such. In the mansion, we didn't have much of anything for picnic foods. So the main things I wanted to bring were my guitar, and something else that I had planned to reveal later. I also grabbed a blanket for us to lay on and sit on, because I had the perfect spot for us to go. Out of the way of people, and everything.
Sneakily I brought down the guitar, and put it in the hood of the car, which was the storage unit. The engine was in the back. I stuff the blanket into the hood as well. There wasn't all that much space, but it was just enough.
    I ran back inside, going to the dining room, where Nicole and Alleah were sitting. As well as my dad. Over the near year he had been living at the estate, he and I had all but settled our differences. I simply sat down beside Nicole eating the breakfast that the maids had made for me.
     "Where are you off to?" He asked.
     "Just going on a drive with Nicole." I said simply.
     "I don't need a babysitter."
     "I know. I'm just saying be careful of the area north of LA, there's wildfires there right now."
     "Duly noted."
     Nicole and I got up, and left them, going outside to the car. I started it up, and off we went.
    "It's such a beautiful day out.." Nicole said, looking around.
     "It is.. I agree. We are going more to the south, By the way."
      "Okay. anywhere we go, I'm happy."
       "Same here." I said, holding her hand as I kept one hand on the wheel, only letting go of her hand to shift the car into the next gear. It was peaceful, being out on the road with her. My two biggest passions at once.
       "I have to stop at a grocery store in the town 50 miles down the road to get some food for us. Do you wanna come in with me?"
     "Sure, there's some things I'd like to get."
     The sky was clear, and the weather was perfect. We had the windows rolled down slightly, letting the wind cool us down. The twists and turns in the old road took us down a beautiful display of scenery. The town I had planned to stop at came up about an hour later. It was small, with only a couple houses, a grocery story, a gas station/convenience store, and some other small souvenir shops, all of them donning old and faded paint. We pulled into the grocery store parking lot, parking in a spot near the door. We got out, and walked across the lot, into the store. The heat outside was 85 degrees, as a digital sign displayed in the window of the store.
       Together we went through the store, grabbing bread, PB & J, some pop, and other little snacks, like chips. After we had grabbed all we needed, we checked out, and brought it outside, putting it all in the back seats of the car. We pulled up to the gas station, where I had to fill up on a tank of gas. Once I finished, I payed for it, and we were off on the road yet again. The place I wanted to go was only another 30 miles away.
     I turned, going off the highway, and onto a dirt road. Nicole first looked at me with confusion, but I gave her a reassuring smile, and kept driving. The gravel caused a loud repetitive rumble in the car, and the constant sounds of tiny rocks hitting underneath the car. Trees lines the road, which was only wide enough for a car and one halfway off the road to fit.
     After 15 minutes of driving, we came to an opening, where the road ended and there was a little area of grass, and the drop of a hill where you could see the land for miles.
    "Wow.." Nicole said in amazement, getting out of the car slowly. A gentle breeze rushed over the two of us, blowing her hair back ever so slightly, and making mine shift a little.
     "I used to come here when I was a teen. Get away from the house, I would come here and blare the speakers, listen to some music. Sometimes I'd stay all night." I looked around, feeling like I was home. And I was. My home away from home.
     I opened the hood, taking out the blanket and laying it flat on the ground. Nicole sat down as I got the food, placing it down in the bag. Nicole took it out as I got my guitar out. She saw it, smiling.
     Made our sandwiches, eating them, as well as having some of the chips from the various bags we'd grabbed. Once I was done, I took out my guitar, and started playing.
    "If I could be the reason your hair's a mess,
The bass drum beatin' way down deep in your chest,
If I could be the voice on your radio,
Then I could be your long ride home.
If mine could be the name that changes yours,
The wine in your glass,
The swing on your porch,
The dollar in your pocket, and the peaceful in your sleep,
Then I'd be what you mean to me.
Standing here,
Watching you,
Turning every head in this crowded room,
The lights down low,
Dancin slow,
Oh, if falling's how you feel,
And perfect is what you see,
Then I'd be what you mean to me." I started singing, keeping eye contact with her the whole time. Brett Eldredge, what you mean to me.
    I sang through the rest of it, and once I was done, I put the guitar down, and hugged her.
   "I love you, angel." I said, looking into her eyes.
   "I love you too, danny." She said, looking back.
   "These 11 months... they've been the best of my life. We've had rough times, great times, bright times, dark times... I've said and done stupid things,but two things never changed. We were always able to fix it, and we always loved each other. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, Nicole." I said, getting on one knee. She stood up, putting a hand over her mouth, her eyes wide. I pulled a small box out of my pocket, opening it. Inside, was a silver ring, with some diamonds, surrounding an opal, her favorite stone.
    "Nicole.. will you marry me?"
    She was in shock, that I could tell. I saw a tear fall from her eyes. She nodded vigorously.
    "Yes." Her voice cracked.
    I got up, and she hugged me tightly, kissing my lips. I was happy beyond belief. She was going to be my wife. Nicole was going to be my wife.


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