Chapter 28

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    Daniel POV

Waking up in a hospital is not the best way to start the day. Granted, I felt like shit and really couldn't move, but still, a hospital is NOT a fun place to wake up to. But that mood changed as soon as I saw Nicole, sleeping in a chair beside me. Her hair was covering her face like a veil as her head was drooping downwards from her sleep.
I stared at her intently, examining her in what was easily the most peaceful state I'd ever seen her in. She looked so calm and relaxed, that I couldn't find myself to break the stare. But the moment ended quite quickly when Alleah entered the room, pushing an empty wheelchair, and loudly announcing her presence.
"GOOD MOOORNING!!!" She yelled out loudly, making even me flinch to plug my ears. Poor Nicole practically jumped to the ceiling, letting out a frightened scream and tensing up.
"Dammit Alleah..." I mumbled, shaking my head.
"Good news, you get to go home today! Now get in the wheelchair, old man." She snickered, wheeling it up to the bedside, where i attempted to sit up to get into the chair, but my body strongly protested such a 'ludicrous task'.
I slumped back down into the bed, grunting a little at the pain throughout my arms, legs... everywhere. My body was essentially giving me a big ol' "fuck you". Nicole, now realizing nothing bad was happening in the room, saw my pain and rushed over.
"Are you okay?" She asked nervously.
"Y-yeah, I'm good. I need a little help getting up...." I admitted, hating to have to ask for help.
"Oh, of course." She said, going to the side of he bed I wanted to sit up on, putting her left hand across my back to my left shoulder, and putting her right hand on my lower back.
"Ready?" She asked.
"Three, two, one, up." She said, before using her strength to start to help me up until the point I was sitting, to which she then just made sure I wasn't going to go back down. She caught her breath, as I was quite a heavy man in comparison to her.
"To the chair?" She questioned.
"I think so."
"Three, two, one." With both all of my effort and hers, we got me into the chair, where I sat back and rested, my chest heaving.
"You two good?" Alleah asked us.
"Yeah, thanks for the 'help', sis." I said sarcastically.
"Anything for my big brother. Now let's get you home."
She wheeled me through the halls of the hospital, checking us out, and bringing us out to the car, where his time both she and Nicole pitched in to get me I got the front passenger seat of the vehicle.
I relaxed in the chair while Alleah folded up the chair and put it in back, Nicole getting in the seat behind me. Once Alleah got in and started the car, we started off homebound. But this wasn't before getting food, to which she just pulled into a Mc Donald's Drive Thru.
      "2 Mcdoubles with no pickle with a medium fry... along with a Big Mac, and a 20 piece chicken nuggets... and you?" She asked, looking at Nicole.
      "A frappe, Chicken nuggets, and fries. Oh, with BBQ dippin sauce." Nicole said shyly.
      "Did you get that?" Alleah asked the microphone.
       "Yeah, I did. Pull up to the first window and we will give you your total and food."
       Once we all had our food, we started eat, me especially, as I just started snarling my meal. I was hungry, what could I say?
      When we got home we went through the ordeal of putting me in the chair, to which Chris helped us out, as in, doing it single-handedly. Nicole wheeled me to my room, and helped me get into my large bed.
     "T-thank you." I said shyly.
     "Hey, you are welcome. If you need me, I'll be in my room, you can yell." She said.
     "Actually... c-could you please come here?" I asked.
     "Oh, of course." She said, coming over to my bedside.
    "Nicole... you've really need a great help to me through this all. I trust you, respect you.. and care for you.. I would also go as far to say... I love you." I said, blushing madly.
     She seemed just as flustered, getting a little wide eyed.
     "I-I... I love you too, Daniel." She responded shyly.
     I sat up, as much as I could, and brought my head close to hers. She did the same, putting her hands on my cheeks... and we kissed.
     Most people say it's like sparks fly around two people when they first kiss. Well for me, it felt like an entire fire around us, making us go closer to each other. 1 second turned into 5, and 5 into 10, we couldn't stop, I pulled her close, laying flat on the bed as she gently got onto the surface with me. I wrapped my arms around her small body as we made out.
    And I never wanted to let go.

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