Chapter 3

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As soon as I walked out of the room, I was met by a large, muscled man, which I assumed to be Chris. There was another lady beside, him, dressed in a long-skirted maid uniform. She seemed to maybe be in her mid 20's, older than my age (21). Her hair was long and black, her skin color a little more tan, showing that she was Latina. She was tall, pretty, and skinny. She had a rather neutral look on her face, standing beside Chris with her arms crossed.
"This is Alleah. She's going to help teach you what you'll be doing. She, and Yvonne. But you'll meet her later." Chris said to me, gesturing to Alleah. She started walking, and i sped up to walk beside her, afraid I'd be shot if I didn't. He went behind us, doing so until we got all the way to the other side of the mansion (though I hadn't seen the large building from the outside yet, I assumed it was absolutely ginormous).
       He left us as we went through the door, labeled above as the 'Maid's Quarters'. It was a small hallway. Consisting of 5 rooms.
     "There are 30 maids here. You make 31. There are 6 to a room, but you can live in a room with me, Yvette, and 4 other girls, if you'd like to." Alleah said, looking at me, and I replied by nodding shyly.
"I'll help you get measured for a uniform, then tomorrow you can start work. Is there anything you are good at, house-work wise that we could have you start on?" She asked, going into the room at end of the hall, me following close behind.
"Um... I'm good at cooking, I guess..." I said, looking around.
"Perfect. We fired a chef of ours yesterday, so you can take their place." She said, clapping her hands together. The sound of the clap made me jump, giving me flashbacks of all the times Jacob would.... never mind.... but he always applauded me, but it made me feel dirty.
I stopped in the middle of the room, taking in a sharp breath at the memory. Noticing my presence in the room, all the girls, who had been wrapped deeply in their own little things they were doing only seconds earlier, stopped what they were doing to stare at me, with looks of confusion. I remembered where I was, shaking my head to get the thoughts out of my head, looking at Alleah ahead of me, who had turned to stare at me as well.
"You okay?" She asked hesitantly, walking over to me.
"Um, y-yeah, I'm fine.. thanks. Just thinking." I said, nodding assuringly to her.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to ask you your name when we met." She suddenly mentioned.
"Nicole..." I forgot the last name that I had said to Daniel.
        "Nicole what?" She pushed, and I remembered what I had said.
        "Nicole Payari." I responded.
        "Pretty name. For now, you'll sleep on an air mattress. We should change you out of that ruined dress and into some pajamas." She went off to the closet to grab some pajamas. Meanwhile, an older laid walked up to me, holding measures.  She was in a long-skirt uniform, like Alleah was.
        "U-uh, hi." I said hesitantly.
        "Nicole, I hear?" She asked.
        "Yeah.. you are?"
        "Yvonne. I've been here since before Daniel was a baby. His mother died from cancer when he was young... I took over the motherly role for him." She started measuring all of me for the uniform I was going to get.
        "Oh my... that must have been horrible.." I sympathized.
        "It still hurts him... and his always-absent father doesn't help very much... his father is a drunk living in a small house a few miles from here. He fixes up cars for a living. That was were Daniel got his passion for cars." Yvonne said, soon finishing my measurements.
         "Why old cars?" I asked curiously.
         "Easier to fix, and there's a lot of money in the business. New sports cars are quite expensive and it's impossible to keep a budget and repair them." She said, standing up, with my help.
          "That's cool." I said, acting like I didn't know about the street races he gave cars for. Again, only mafia knew about it.
         "I'll give you your uniform in a little bit. I do happen to have one just your size. But I've got to talk to Daniel about something, so it'll take a bit. I hope you enjoy being here. I'm sure we'll become good friends." She said, giving me a hug.
         I wasn't used to hugs, but I gave her one, surprised that I actually liked it. It was a warm hug, and it seemed to be like a hug that a mother would give to her child.
         "Thank you. I'm sure we will." I said, giving her a slight smile.
         She then walked out of the room, humming a tune that I didn't know. It was happy, upbeat.
         Alleah came back, handing me a fuzzy pair of pajamas. I took off my dress, standing in only my underwear and bra, when a voice behind me spoke.
       "Cute little kitten~" I knew the voice instantly.
       I turned around, to see Daniel, in the doorway. He had a smirk on his face that showed all the signs he was thinking of dirty things. I covered my breasts, my cheeks flushing into a deep red. F*cking asshole pervert. Alleah saw him, rushing in front of me and blocking me mostly from his view. She had her hands on her hips.
"Daniel! You know better." She exclaimed, angry.
"Maybe I do. But she sure was hot to look at." He said, smirking. I was in the pajamas now, flustered.
"Have some manners." Alleah said, huffing and turning back to me.
He chuckled, walking in. As he got closer, my heart raced. I tingled ever so slightly. I saw his hazel eyes stare into my blue ones, and I felt a little light headed.
He actually moved Alleah aside, causing her to actually growl in protest, but she didn't fight him. He came closer to me, making my heart race faster.
The smirk on his face made me feel warm all over my body. My legs shook slightly. My knees felt weak. What the,fuck was happening to me. Why was he driving me crazy like this.
"Daniel." Alleah said.
"Hush, Alleah. I'm looking at my kitten~." He said, his already hot smirk getting even more hot. Wait. Did I just call him hot...?
"She isn't yours." Alleah said, pulling him away.
"Maybe she doesn't know it yet, but she is mine." Daniel said, with a chuckle.
I felt warm and tingly... down there. He drove me crazy without even doing anything. After I realized what I was thinking, I started mentally beating myself up. Maybe you are just what Jacob told you that you were. A slut.
Yvonne came back, watching Daniel as he left, seeing me, and she sighed, knowing already what had happened.
"Pay no mind to him.... he puts his dick before other peoples feelings at times.... sorry about him..." she said, giving me my uniform, which was a short-skirt maid outfit. With a little bit of a smaller bra size than what I was.
"This is small." I said.
"Daniel makes the starting maids wear smaller sizes... it'll get better." She said, patting my back.
What have I gotten myself into....

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