Chapter 52

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Nicole POV

    Once we got home, I ran to Alleah's room to tell her that Daniel had proposed to me. I knocked, hearing a 'come in' before bursting inside.
    "DANIEL PROPOSED TO ME!" I jumped onto her bed, bouncing up a little, before landing again, flat on my stomach.
    Alleah was reading a book at a little desk she had in the corner, putting it down and looking at me with a look that combined both confusion and amazement.
    "No way.. he actually went through with it." She smiled a little, standing up and walking over.
    "Went through with it?" I asked.
     "He told me last week what he was going to do, actually. Haha, Daniel even asked me how to do it and in a way that would amaze you. Don't worry, I only told him to drive with you. The rest he came up with on his own."
    "God it was amazing!" I stood up, giving her a hug.
     Chris walked in at this point, and seeing us embracing each other, stopped dead in his tracks. He seemed a little perplexed, before then going over to a chair near the corner of the room and sitting down.
"Your company?" I asked Alleah, and she nodded.
"Okay, I'd better go. I have something I want to do in my room. Have fun~" I smirked and walked out, shuttling the door behind me. I went down the hallway, and opened the door to my room, opening the door and walking in. My easel and canvas sat by the window, to which I walked over to and sat on the stool in front of it, deciding to paint something I had on my mind. I started by painting Daniel's ford GT, drawing a little of the scene from the place we had been in the background, before then putting in Daniel, leaning against the car, looking back at me. I payed special attention on detailing him, making sure it looked as real as I could make it. After about 2 hours of painting the picture, I finished it. I gave a slight smile as I appreciated the work, and let it dry.
     I walked out of my room, deciding to walk a bit around the house, as I usually did. Most of the time I would end up in the garage, where The first model of Daniel's company was being built. And it was one of my designs. It was a rectangle sort of build, being a 2 seater muscle car that I drew based off Daniel's Camaro, though it seemed a hybrid of a modern car with bits of commendable additions that were like older cars.
     At this point it was almost done, needing only door panels, a hood panel, and seat within the interior. And these would be coming from the custom auto shop soon enough, making this the first ever car that Daniel's company would have produced, and with its completion, the auto manufacturer factory he had purchased would have its design implemented and then it would be mass produced for the world to buy.
    "It's a beauty.." I heard to my left.
     I glanced over quickly, seeing that it was Daniel's father, sitting in a chair turned towards the call. I looked away and refused to say anything at first, knowing that if I didn't watch it I would say something pissy. Every time I saw him I would feel a burning rage for what he did to Daniel, the scars he left.
"It is." I responded stiffly.
"Any idea on who designed it? I may have been an ignorant father, but if my memory serves me well he doesn't have enough artistic vision to make something of this design."
"Yes, you WERE an ignorant father. I designed it for him."
"I wouldn't take you as a car enthusiast." He ignored the ignorant father part.
"Sexist much?" I snapped.
"Oh not at all. I just... didn't see anything that pointed to you liking cars." He seemed a little flustered at first.
     "Well. I am." I said promptly.
      "I like the design."
      We sat in silence for what seemed like hours. I stared at the car, thinking of what it would be like to drive it. Maybe soon I'd get to. After a couple of minutes, I turned around and walked out, leaving the old man in the room.
     Even with the compliment, I still resented him.

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