T W E N T Y - T W O

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Liam and I are casually walking around the boat, admiring everything and everyone. It feels so wrong to be here because we aren't from this era and also i know whats going to happen tonight.

I just dont know what time. The poor people who are smiling and the kids running around laughing and playing crushes my heart.

There all going to be dead tonight. But the Doctor could save everybody right?

"Zayn you alright? Your clenching your hand" Liam says worriedly beside me and i look down at my hand and my knuckles are white.

"Everybody is going to die Liam" I hold my anger and Liam looks at me with sadness in his eyes.

"Wheres the Doctor?" He asks and i look at him in confusion.

"Probably talking to some girl or something why?"

"He could save us. He could save this entire boat by warning everyone"

"But we cant tell people that we arnt from this time Liam. We are practically time travellers starting now. We cant say that, people will go mad"

I sigh and my eyes travel to the sky and i see the sun setting. The air has become thicker and colder and my heart starts to race.

"I dont want to be here when this thing hits" I say shakily and Liams eye widen and look in the distance.

"It wont be long" He looks behind me and we see a massive iceberg a long way away but i feel the atmosphere around us starting to feel fear.

"We need to split up and find the Doctor before it hits. Run!" Liam says and we run in different directions.

I dont want to die.

And defiantly not this way!


Short chapter sorry but im worried for One Direction.

But they dont know about fix points do they yet?

See ya next chapter!

Bai x

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