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"Anybody in there?"



I jolt up and i see the Doctor grinning.

"Oh good your awake. Wanna hear the bad news" He says and pulls a lever making the TARDIS shake.

"Uh..bad news?" I say and he frowns.

"Well...she maybe had a malfunction and crash landed somewhere in time.." He looks at me with those worried brown eyes and my eyes widen in shock. I get on my feet and walk closly to the doctor, centimeters from his face.

"Look, I think Niall was right about you. You cause way to much trouble!" I yell and he takes a step back.

I sigh and walk outside the TARDIS but stop dead in my tracks.

"Doctor...whats that.." I shakily say and look at its sharp teeth, not daring to look at its face. Too scary.

"Close the door..and dont blink"

I struggle not to blink and i close the door fast and sigh.

"Did you look in its eyes!" The doctor rushes up to me and points a blue buzzing light in my face. I push it away.

"Dont buzz things in my face!" I say and he puts it back in hes long coat.


"What was that anyway?" I question.

"That was my sonic screwdriver! It can do anything! except things that are wood..defiantly not wood indeed" He frowns to himself.

"No, i meant that statue outside.." I shakily say.

"You dont need to worry about it"

"Are you lying?"


"Of course..." I mumble and shake my head.

"Weeping Angels. They are the most deadliest creatures in the universe, but not as bad as the creatures who has been trying to kill me" The doctor sighs.

"Who are they?" I ask about the ones that try to kill him and he looks at me.


I walk up to him and stand beside him.

"Where did you come from?" I change the subject and he laughs weakly.

"Im from everywhere"

"Thats not an answer doctor"

"Fine. Im from Gallifrey. I am a timelord and the last of my kind, my planet was destroyed by the daleks in the timewar. You think world war I and II are bad. You should of seen us" I see his eyes start to shine and i place a hand on his shoulder. He sniffs and walks around the controls.

"Your an alien?"


"Whats the difference between us?" i say.

"I have two hearts"

"Oh.." I say and sit on the long chair.

"Were basically stuck here arn't we?" I ask and he nods.

I start to think about the band. Zayn, Harry, Liam..maybe not Niall at the moment. What would be happening right now. Would they had called the police?

Questions fly around my head and i close my eyes and hold the bridge of my nose.

What would of happened if i didnt meet the doctor?


Im loving this chapter! You have met the Daleks and weeping angels i suppose :D

Until next chapter!

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