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Hey guys! As you can tell if you read the title of this thing...it says 'New Characters Wanted' and you know what that means?

You could be part of the story!! THIS STORY! Maybe your favourite band member could be dating or meeting you?! Haha..

I am seriously in need of new characters and thanks to my good friend @TalkNerdyToMeh2358 for suggesting the idea! And go follow her! You wont regret it!

So..to be in this story you will need to fill out this:

Your name (Whole or not. Or you can make one up):


Personality (You can make up your own personality, it doesnt have to be your own):

Why (Why do you think it would be good to be in this book):

(I will make up the clothing by how you wrote the personality btw :) )

Fill that out in the comments of this chapter to possibly be in this book.

I will choose 'Three' people that i think will be good for this chapter.

Im sorry if i dont pick you but i might need more characters and you could use the same one you used for this competition.

The competition ends at June 30th so i gave you a bit of time. ALSO SHARE THIS TO PEOPLE WHO YOU THINK WOULD ENJOY BEING IN A BOOK!!


Goodluck to all!

Thanks xo

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