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Its been at least six hours and even though Louis did wake up, he is now just sleeping it off and the problem about that is because when he is in a deep sleep, there is no way anybody could ever wake him. Its like a Tomlinson curse i swear!

Im currently sitting on the ground scrolling through my Twitter news feed and not much has happened. Everybody thinks we haven't gone missing but he could drop us off at any time and space anyway so i dont really care.

The Doctor however, is under the console fixing it on this little hammock type seat with these ridiculous googles on and every now and them you here him mutter then this explosion would appear.

And after the explosion you would here him say, "Its alright, something has just gotten pulled off the console. Never bring Ood's inside the TARDIS. They tend to steal stuff now..."

I just roll my eyes and continue trying to ignore him and his weird words.

"Oh! Louis your awake" I hear Liam say, i turn my head around to see an awfully tired Louis walking up the stairs. He sees me and walks immediately and sits next to me.

"Hey Lou" I smile and he smiles lazily back. "How did you sleep?"

"My head really hurts. What happened?" He scrunches up his face and holds the right side of his head. I half laugh.

"The doctor said you just had time travel sickness. You collapsed onto me and Liam but we caught you before you hit the cement but you just scraped your side" I frown. His eyebrows cross and pulls up his t-shirt half way to see a long red graze on the left of his hip. He bites his lip and pulls the shirt back down.

"Its not feeling too good.." He mumbles and i pat his shoulder.

"Whos ready to go on an-What happened?" The Doctor stops in midsentence to see four tired boys. While Louis and i are leaning on the door sitting on the ground, Zayn is slouched down on the three seated chair with his feet on the console, Liam is resting his head on the rail and sitting on the top stair scrolling through his phone and there is no sign of Niall. We are a complete mess.

The doctor frowns. "In my entire life, i have never had companions that are just, so lazy! Too be honest" He sighs "Majority were girls but i have never seen such wrecked boys!" He carries on like a child and i smirk.

"You should be ashamed!' He fakes a frown them grins again. A couple of us chuckle.

"So! Get up, get up! Where do you want to go? In all of time and space i can take you anywhere you like the past!...or future" He looks at all of us but were still sitting. He frowns then pushes some buttoms and puts his hand on the lever, but doesnt pull it down.

"I would hold onto something because this will be a bumpy ride" He cautiously says and pulls the lever and we alll fall to the floor and grab onto something. The TARDIS bumps and makes me too sick to even no what im thinking. The doctor laughs and holds onto the console.

Wait where is-




And wheres Niall? Hmmmmm

A little weird chapter sorry...YOU CAN MURDER ME IM SORYYYYY

I love writing this book :) So much fun indeed :P

Fanfictions are...cool.

10+ reads


Bai :)

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