Fairy Tale

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Harry- You hummed along to the music that was playing through the ballroom as the Prince danced you around. People staring and whispering, wondering who the strange girl was. But you didn’t care. All of your focus was only on the Prince, and his only on you. His bright green eyes staring straight into yours as he danced you out into the garden. The dancing came to a stop as he walked you through the large, moon lit garden. The only noise that could be heard was the soft tune of the music from the castle and the hum of running water. He walked you to a bridge where you both stood, looking up to the shining moon. “It’s beautiful.” You commented quietly. “Yes she is.” He said. You turned your head to see him staring right at you, a soft smile on his lips. Your cheeks turned a light shade of red as you two leaned in, his lips pressing against yours in a passionate kiss. You slowly pulled away from each other, your eyes fluttering open, getting lost in his green gaze. A loud chiming of a clock pulled you out of your trance. A panic filled your chest as you saw the time was 12. “What’s wrong?” The Prince asked, placing a hand on your cheek. You pulled it off as you moved away from him. “I-I have to go.” You said hurriedly as you turned to run, but he caught your arm. “Go? Why?” He asked, sounding slightly hurt. You wiggled out of his grasp. “The Prince. I haven’t met the Prince yet!” You said as you ran for the stairs. “Wait!” He called, but you didn’t stop. You hopped into the carriage, speeding off out of the palace gates. You looked back at the Prince who was standing on the staircase, the other glass slipper in his hands, knowing he had to find you.

Liam- “You’re that girl! The one I heard singing on the beach!” The Prince said excitedly. He took your hand. “Tell me your name.” He said. You gave a sad smile pointing to your throat, shaking your head. His face dropped a little. “You can’t talk?” He asked. You nodded slowly. “Ariel.” A voice whispered. He cocked an eyebrow looking at you. “Is it Ariel?” You nodded happily. He smiled brightly. “Come with me, back to the castle. You can stay as long as you like.” He said as he grabbed your hand pulling you towards the castle walls.— You sat down at the large table smiling as you saw the fork. You grabbed it quickly running it through your hair, stopping as you saw everyone seated giving you strange looks. You quickly set the fork down turning your head to the floor. Liam’s friend sat across from you pulling out his pipe lighting it. He saw you take a liking to it, smiling as he handed it over to you. “You like it? It is rather fine-” But he was cut off as you blew on it causing the dark powder to go all over his face. Liam burst out laughing but quickly straightened himself up. “So sorry Grim.” He said.— The Pelican pulled the necklace off of Ursula's human form causing it to shatter into pieces giving you your voice back, the sound of your singing broke Liam out of the spell. “Ariel?” Liam asked coming back to reality. “Liam.” You said. “You…you can talk.” He said making his way towards you. “You’re the one. It was you all the time.” He said taking your hands. “Oh Liam, I wanted to tell you.” You said as you inched your faces closer. But a flash of pain quickly took over your body as you fell to the ground, revealing what you truly were. Liam jumped back as your legs were replaced with a tale. “What the..” He trailed off. “You retched girl!” Ursula yelled, her body changing back into the way it was before. She grabbed you. “You’ll never see your precious prince again!” She said jumping off the side of the boat.

Louis- “Gaston! Don’t!” You yelled as you made Philip trot faster up towards the castle. You watched as he followed Louis onto the roof of the dark castle. Blade in hand. You ran as fast as your legs could carry you up the large staircase to the balcony. “Stop please!” You screamed as Gaston cut a gash on Louis’s arm. He grabbed Gaston by the throat holding him over the edge of the castle. Gaston gripped his wrists pleading with him. “No, don’t please. I’ll do anything. Anything!” He screamed. Louis brought his face closer to his baring his sharp teeth. “Get out.” He growled throwing him to the side. “Louis!” You yelled, Louis turned his head to look up at you a smile forming on his scarred face. “Belle.” He murmured climbing to the balcony. He placed his hand on your cheek caressing it softly staring into your brown eyes. “You came back?” He asked. You chuckled softly placing your hand over top of his. “Of course I came back.” You said. He smiled but his face quickly turned to pain as he screamed beginning to fall back, you saw Gaston behind him with a knife. Louis flung his arm back hitting Gaston causing him to fall to his death. You quickly grabbed onto the cape that Louis was wearing, catching him before he fell. You helped him over the edge of the balcony laying him down on the concrete, tears stinging your eyes. “At least I got to see you, one last time.” He said before his eyes closed, his body going limp. “No, no, please don’t leave me. I love you.” You said as you cried into his chest. Sparks of light began to fall out of the sky, his body rising from the ground. You sat back in shock as you watched his scars fade away his skin brightening to a tanner color. His body was laid back down, his back to you. He stood up looking at his arms, and running his hands over his smooth face. A wide smile spread across his lips as he turned to look at you, his eyes a bright blue. “Belle! You did it! You broke the spell!” He said picking you placing a passionate kiss to your smiling lips.

Niall- “Where is he?! Where’s the boy?!” Hook yelled as he grabbed you by your throat. “I-I don’t know.” You stammered, trying to release his grip. He quickly threw you to the side. “Tie her up. She’ll walk the plank with the others.” He growled storming off. One of the pirates grabbed you pressing you tightly to the mast as another wrapped a rope around. After tying it off he placed his finger under your chin, forcing you to look at him. “Its off the plank with you, girlie.” He rasped. You spit in his face causing him to back away. “Don’t call me girlie!” You spoke through gritted teeth. She glared at you raising his hand. “Why you little-” But before he could finish he was thrown to the ground, knocked out cold. You looked up from his unconscious body into the bright blue eyes of your rescuer. “Niall.” You whispered. A wide smile appearing on your lips. He winked pulling out his knife, cutting the rope that surrounded you. Once you were free, you flung yourself into his arms, hugging him tightly. He slowly wrapped his arms around you, his face nuzzling your neck. “I’m so sorry. I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean anything I said.” You mumbled. He chuckled lightly pulling away. “I don’t care about that Wendy. As long as your safe, I’m fine.” He said. You giggled looking down before looking back up at him. “Niall?” You asked. “Hmm.” He replied. “May I give you a-a thimble?” You asked almost to quietly. He looked at you strangely, watching as you stood on your tip toes then lightly pressing your lips to his. His eyes widened at the sudden contact, never had actually kissed someone before. But he relaxed and wrapped his arms around your waste as he closed his eyes. “Well, well, well. Look at what we have here.” A sinister voice spoke.

Zayn- You fought against the chains your “mother” had locked you in as you tried to stop Zayn from climbing up. “Quiet.” She hissed. “Rapunzel, I thought I’d never see you again.” He said as he stepped down from the window but froze as he saw you tied up on the floor. The witch came up behind him, stabbing him in the side. He fell to the floor as you screamed in terror, the noise muffled by the cloth covering your mouth. Tears springing to your eyes. “Now look what you’ve done Rapunzel.” The witch said. “Oh, don’t worry dear. Our secret will die with him. And as for us, we are going where no one will ever find you again.” She said pulling you back by the chains, you fighting her trying to get to Zayn. The cloth fell from your mouth during your struggle. “Stop fighting me.” She growled. “No! I will never stop fighting you. I will never stop trying to get away from you. But if you let me save him, I will go with you.” You said. She nodded, then chained Zayn to the wall. You ran over to him, “Zayn.” You whispered holding his face. You moved to put your hair over his wound but he stopped you. “No Rapunzel. I cant let you do this.” He groaned out. “It’s gonna be alright.” You said. He stared into your eyes running his fingers through your hair before cutting it off. You gasped as you stared at the hair on the floor, turning to a dark brown. “No!” The witch screamed, her complexion turning older and older before she became nothing but dust. You looked back down at Zayn, who was unconscious. “No, look at me. Stay with me.” You whispered, tears pouring down your cheeks. You put his hand on your head as you sang your healing spell but it didn’t work. More tears ran down your face onto Zayn as you cried. “You were my new dream.” He whispered before going out. “And you were mine.” You whispered. All of a sudden his wound began to glow, and heal itself. Zayn began to breath again slowly opening his eyes. “Zayn.” You whimpered. He took a deep breath breathing out, “Did I ever tell you I’ve got a thing for brunettes.” You giggled, wrapping your arms around him tightly, pressing your lips firmly to his.


Hey! Got this one from Tumblr x

Sorry I'm kinda running out of ideas hah

But this was a lovely pref so I decided to use it!

Please tell me what you want as a next Pref so I can write them and plus I'll dedicate you a chapter if you suggest your ideas!!

Vote + Comment please

I want Shakira's song as the world cup's official song not shitty Pitbull.

kbye lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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