He is a judge for a Competition your in.

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Niall: You had stayed up all night baking and prepping your cake. You made sure it was perfect from the filling down to the chocolate covered strawberries that decorated the cake. By 9 o’clock your perfect double-Decker Strawberry cake with a chocolate filling and a whipped cream frosting topped with chocolate covered strawberries was completed. You were dressed in your Sunday’s best and headed out to the Baking Competition held at the town square. Everyone was really excited because a surprise celebrity judge was in town…when the competition got underway you could hear the fan girling. You caught a glimpse of him tasting all the cakes down the line…his blonde spiky hair, you could hear the sound of his soothing Irish brogue, and when he was standing right in front of you all you could do was look deep into his cerulean blue eyes.  ”In first place we have (y/f/n)(y/nl/n) with her Chocolate Covered Strawberry Delicacy!” You were so deep in a trance that you did not even notice when they called your name for the blue ribbon. When you finally snapped out of it you grasped the ribbon from Niall Horan who flashed you a smile…that was the start of something new. 

Liam:  You had hand-crafted a Steam Punk version of your favorite Disney Princess…you were so excited to unveil it at your first comic-con AND cosplay competition. You knew a surprise celebrity judge was going to be there but you didn’t know who and that made you even more excited. The morning of the competition you did your hair and makeup and got dressed in the costume. You posed for some photos and headed to the convention center ready for the competition. Backstage you looked at the unbelievable costumes and psyched yourself out. ‘All these amazing costumes and mine looks like garbage. I don’t think I am going to win.’ You leaned against the wall on the verge of tears when someone dressed as Batman came to stand next to you. “What’s the matter love?” he said as you turned to face him “This is my first competition and everyone looks amazing. I am just a revamped version of a Disney Princess.” he smiled at you through the cowl he was wearing “Well if it is any consolation prize I think you look beyond beautiful tonight.” He smiled and walked to the stage when they called for the judges. “Let me introduce the Secret Celeb Judge from One Direction…Liam Payne” In shock you watched the Masked Crusader stroll to the judges table and sit down so the competition could commence. All the competitors went on stage and it was your turn “Next up, showing us her take on a revamped Disney Princess…(Y/f/n) (y/l/n).” You walked on stage and posed…did your thing, talked to the judges and walked off. When the awards were given, you didn’t win but you did get the Masked Crusaders number. So it was a win/win.  

Zayn: You had prepared a routine for this Dance competition for a while now, and you were pretty pumped for this competition. The night before you got your costume, hair supplies, and make-up packed for the competition. The next day, you arrived at the site, dressed in your costume and began to stretch and do some warm-ups. The competition looked fierce but you knew you could take them…you were poise, confident, and graceful. When you were called on stage to perform you looked at the judges and was surprised to see THE Zayn Malik  sitting in the judges chair…the one who hid during the X-Factor when it was time for dance. You fan girled a little in your head but continued to keep your composure. The music began and you started your routine, you stuck all your moves, you had sharp motions, and most of all…you had emotion in the dance. When the music ended and you were done you stood up, bowed and walked off stage. When the competition was over, you sat as the judges began to hand out the awards. “In third place, Beatrice LeRoux. In second place, Emilie Blanc. And in first place, (Y/f/n) (y/l/n). Thank you to all the competitors.” As the crowd died down and the fan girls were forced to leave you were still in the dressing room removing your make-up when you saw Zayn standing behind you. “You really are beautiful…in dance and in looks.” You smiled and began to have a discussion about the reasons of him being a Dance Judge. “Everything happens for a reason” he said as he walked you out of the arena. 

Harry: ‘You can do this.’ you tell yourself as you hold your guitar close to your chest. ‘You can beat these guys. You can do this. Just ignore the fact that Harry Styles is judging.’ You say as you say a quiet prayer in your head. The stage manager calls you over to prep you to go on stage. You smile at him and try to remain calm. “Alright, break a leg.” As you walk to center stage you smile at the crowd and begin to talk. “Hi, my name is (y/f/n)(y/l/n) and I will be singing “Free Falling” by John Mayer.” When you said that you saw Harry perk up and look awake. You began to strum your guitar and sing the lyrics you rewrote to fit your gender. As you kept singing Harry began to lip sing along and dance in his chair. When you finished the song and opened your closed eyes you smiled at the cheering crowd and a standing Harry. “You were unbelievably amazing. You sang one of my favorite songs…Thank you for that.” You smiled as you walked off the stage. When awards were given out You were second place and got Harry’s digits which you used to go on a dinner date. Yay you! 

Louis: You were an awesome surfer back in Cali but you were in the big times…you were in a Hawaiian Competition. You were playing with the big boys now. The one thing you did not understand was why Louis Tomlinson was the celebrity judge…but then again you saw the pics of him surfing all over the internet. It was your turn to ‘hang ten’ (can you tell I am not a surfer yet?) You swam out to the waves and caught a big one. You surfed the wave like a pro. Even though you didn’t place, you still got to chat with Louis and exchange numbers. 



lol got this one from tumblrrr!

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~Girlnotonfire/ Naqiya xx

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