He Visits Your Tombstone

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I walked down the graveyard and come to a slow stop when I see her tombstone. "Hey baby, long time no see huh?" I say sadly. "I miss you so much, I wish you could be with me right n-" I couldn't complete my sentence before I broke down into sobs. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME? DIDN'T YOU SAY YOU WOULD BE BY MY SIDE FOREVER?" I cried out. My beautiful (Y/N), my amazing girlfriend had died 6 months ago because of leukemia. "I had planned out our future together and now your gone" I cried uncontrollably. "Baby please come back to me. Please. I don't know what life is without you. I know you would want me to move on, I know it's been 6 months but I can't. I can't bear this pain." I said. "Ugh, I probably look so pathetic right now. But sweetheart you should know that I will never ever forget you. You will always be forever in my heart" I say and with that I slowly stand up and walk away. 'Maybe I'll come visit again', I whisper to myself.


"Harry, you don't have to go if you don't want to, love." My mom said. "I need to mum. I need to see her and talk to her, I can do this." I said with a weak smile. I got up from the couch and headed to the car. I drived until I reached my destination. It's been a week since (Y/N) died. My beautiful, lovely, sarcastic, girlfriend. The one I loved with all my heart. I reached the graveyard and walked towards her tombstone, "Hey love, I miss you so much." I say with a sad smile. "Please come back to me. I could barely survive this week how am I going to live the rest of my life without you?" I cried. I didn't know how to feel. I was numb. She was my only lifeline and now she's gone too. "Baby just so you know I'm trying everything in my will trying to arrest the asshole who hit you." (Y/N) died because of a car accident when she was on her way to visit me. The last thing she said was that she loved me. "Please love, come back. Try to come back. It's probably not possible but I can't do this anymore. I need you in my life." I sobbed. I sat there for at least for 25 minutes just crying, sobbing but I knew I had to move on. I got up and walked away slowly from tombstone. "See you soon okay."


"Hey angel, It's been a long time since I've seen you huh?" I said to my beautiful girlfriend, well her tombstone. "6 months. It's been 6 months since I've seen you." I smiled sadly. It had been 2 years since my (Y/N) had died. 2 years since my world collapsed. 2 years since I didn't know what my life was about anymore. "Baby, I know you want me to move on and everyone around me wants me to move on and I kind of have." I tried to stop myself from crying. But I couldn't. The tears streamed down my face. "I met this girl, she's nice and everything, but nothing compared to you angel." I say whilst sniffling "She helped me get over your death but of course I can never ever forget you (Y/N). If you're up there I want you to know that my love for you is forever going to be there. You were my first love and till now the only love I've ever had." I cried uncontrollably. "Love, if you hear me right now I just want to say that I still extremely love you and no one will be able to stop us from loving each other, but I have to move on. I know you want me too." I say sadly. "How about I give this girl a chance? She's not that bad y'know" I say laughing slightly. "I know you want me too. Okay before I start crying some more I should go." I say wiping away my tears. "I'll come visit soon okay love." I say as I stand up and walk away.


I stepped into the cemetry with a shaky breath. This was the first time I was visiting her since he accident. Since that terrible accident which took away her life. It had been two months. In all honesty I was scared to see her tombstone and break out into tears. I was to admit that I wouldn't see her ever again.  I came to slow stop as I reached. "Hey (Y/N)," I say running a hand through my hair, "I miss you," I say shakily. "I really fucking miss you so much." I stared out at nothing. "The first time I saw you was a wake-up call, a reminder that there was still good in the world. Standing here today, I'm not sure why the only thing good in the world was taken from me. Why would God do this to me?" The tears started flowing then, and I wiped my eyes on the sleeve of my jacket. I had to stop speaking for a few minutes, focusing on getting my hands to stop shaking. I couldn't breath. There were too many memories coming back. We were supposed to get married in a few weeks and now he was gone. "The only reason I'm alive is because you would be upset if I took away my life. But I want nothing more than to be with you." I say whilst crying. "Why did God have to do this? I think I don't desrve this much pain. If I do I'm so sorry God but please bring my beautiful (Y/N) back please? Even if it means to take away my life. She doesn't deserve this" I removed my engagement ring and put it on her tombstone. "I miss you baby." I whisper. "See you up there."


"No Harry I can't go, I'll get really depressed." I tried to joke but in reality I was numb, dead. I didn't know how to function. "Lou, you need to go, you need to see her. You need to let your emotions and frustrations out. You can't keep it all bottled up inside you." Harry says. "NO. I'm not going to the cemtry. That is final." "Please Louis. For (Y/N)." Harry pleaded. "Okay, just for her." I couldn't even say her name without crying. "C'mon, I'll come with you okay." Harry says as he stood up from the living room chair and going towards the car. We reached the cemetry and Harry waited in the car and I walked towards her tombstone. "Hey babe! What's going on?" Silence. "So the fans really love the song which you and I wrote a while back, management let us put it on the album!" Again, some more silence. "I can't wait for you to come on stage and sing it with me. I know you'll always be by my side." My eyes started watering when I saw her name engraved on the tombston. "Why?! Why did you have to leave me all of sudden." "GOD DAMMIT ANSWER ME." I cried out. "You can't just leave me like this. YOU CAN'T."  I sobbed. Harry jogged over to me "Louis,  LOUIS you need to calm down. Everything will be okay." "I CAN'T HARRY. NOTHING WILL EVER BE OKAY." I slam my fists on to the ground. "I'm sorry babe I can't do this." I say standing up, "I love you so much but I can't" I say standing up and running towards the car, Harry hot on his heels chasing me. "I can't do this." I whisper to myself.



Hope you guys enjoyed!

Sorry I got a bit carried away with Louis' and Sorry that Zayn's is a bit short :(

Please leave some suggestions on what I should write next and I'll dedicate you a chapter!

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Kbye Lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

ps. the gif on the side, that's my most favourite louis gif

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