You're a Rebel

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Zayn: “ Fuck off! “ you yell at the policemen who were about to arrest you and your friends. You were about to spit the policeman in front of you in the face, when your friend made a bird noise. And then you smirked and ran away with your friends. The policemen were of course running after you, but you were faster. You were trained at this. Once in a while you got caught for the things, you weren’t allowed to do. So you were a good runner. But then you bumped into someone. You cursed, but it was already too late. Your friends were long gone and the policemen could come around the corner any time. So you acted quick. You took the boy by his collar and dragged him to the corner of the alley you where in. And then he suddenly caught on. He then, as gently as he could, pressed you against the wall. You couldn’t even see his face, but you kissed him. The police wouldn’t interrupt you guys, you thought. And they didn’t. So when the policemen had run by you, you pulled away. And then you saw it. You had just kissed THE Zayn Malik. You may be a little bit criminal, but you knew who One Direction was. Of course you did. You loved the band. So you just stood there with wide eyes and stared at him. You were going to say something, but he stopped you before you even started talking. “ You’re a little rebel, aren’t you? Come get some coffee with me and we’ll talk this over. It’s not good for such a pretty girl like you to be in the criminal world. “ He smiled at you and began to walk. You hurried after him. You tried to stay cool, but you were completely paralysed. He then smirked at you.

“ Nice lips, by the way. “

Liam: You grinned as it turned midnight. You stood outside some make up factory of some sort. There were rumours around in the city, that they tested their make up on animals. So you of course had to check it out. You had quickly gathered some people and you had all met outside this factory about 15 minutes ago. The factory was closed now, but you had gotten a key. You looked around you and nodded to the others. And then you got up from your hiding spot and walked over to the back door. You quickly opened it and got in. The alarm would start soon, so you had to switch it off. But that was easy for you. You also shot off the security cameras and ran out again. “ GO, GO, GO! “ you yelled and ran in again, this time followed by many others. You switched the lights on and gasped. You were right. Animals were everywhere. Rabbits, rats and even monkeys! You were frightened. So you quickly led the others around. Everybody, including you, were grabbing the animal cages. At the end of it there wasn’t one single animal back. The others were outdoor waiting for you, but you had to lock the factory again. But you did it quickly, gave the other orders about what to do with the animals and they drove off. You were getting your last animals into the car when you got poked in your back. You hopped in surprise and turned around. “ I’m sorry, love. But you’re not allowed to steal animals.. “ the boy said politely to you. You frowned and angrily closed your car door. All the animals where in there now. “ And they’re not allowed to test make up on these poor animals. Can’t you see these animals are sick? “ you said and gestured to the animals inside of your car. He frowned and thought about it. “ This is not going to end well, but I want to help you. But don’t tell anyone! “ he blushed a little and smiled. You smiled back. “ Of course not. Liam Payne doesn’t get into trouble. “

Louis: You were currently in an demonstration. But not one of those friendly and quiet ones. No. You were up against the police. People were throwing rocks and other stupid stuff. You weren’t up for that. You just beat the shit out of those who came too close. Not one of your own of course, but like the police. You were in the middle of it all. People were fighting off the police from both sides of you. Of course some people where joining the police, so you had to watch your back. But of course in that second you didn’t, someone hopped on your back and started to pull your hair. “ Get off me, you filth! “ you yelled as you swung the guy off your back. Then you kicked him in the stomach. He got on the ground and were about to get up again when you stepped on his hand. You heard a loud crack and smirked at him. “ You might put some ice on that hand, poor baby. I think it’s broken. “ You didn’t even had high hells on! But of course you knew where to step on his hand. He quickly got up and tried to attack you again. But you just gave him a punch in the face and smiled sweetly at him. “ Nobody with that bad taste in clothing is beating me up. Peasant. “ you winked at him and turned around. And you bumped right into a boy. “ Fancy seeing a Directioner here. You’re sassy, but you’re never going to beat me in that. I’m after all the sassmaster from Doncaster. “ you heard a beautiful voice whisper in your ear. You looked up and got greeted by the face of Louis Tomlinson. You frowned and kissed his cheek. “ Go home, celebrity. It’s not going to look good with you beating up people here. And really? Suspenders to a demonstration? I don’t think so. “ You raised an eyebrow and began to walk away. But he ran after you and stopped you again. “ Well then come with me. I don’t want to leave without you. You’re too cool. “ he said in a challenging way. “Well I know I’m cool.. But.. “ You grinned at him and took his hand while you ran like superman.

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