He Catches You Fangirling

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Niall: You were scrolling through your twitter when you found the most hilarious photo of your boyfriend Niall. Before you went out with Niall, you had a tumblr all dedicated to the boys where you would add funny captions to all their pictures. You saw the perfect opportunity with this picture and you just had to take it. You pulled open photoshop and started working your magic. All of sudden you felt someone’s hot breath above you. You glanced up and noticed Niall staring at the computer screen. First it was shock written on his face then it was a giant smile. He started laughing and laughing…and laughing. “You…are…so…cute,” he said trying to collect himself. You chuckled nervously before quitting photoshop and deleting your tumblr, for good. 

Zayn: It was the first time Zayn was taking you to a red carpet event, and you couldn’t be any more excited. It was rumored that Justin Bieber was going to make a surprise visit. You absolutely adored him, he was your idol. Well other than Zayn of course. When you guys finally arrived at the event dressed up all glamorously your wish came true. Justin was in the middle of the red carpet striking posing and flashing his perfect teeth at the paparazzi. Not thinking, you ran up to him and pulled him into a giant hug. “I love you so much, I’m your biggest fan. I know everything about you like you…” Zayn ran up to you and cut you off. “Sorry about that man, I’ve never seen Y/N like this. I guess she really does have a fangirling side,” he said giving you a little wink.

Harry: It was almost 2 AM and you couldn’t sleep, so you decided to go on Youtube. You’ve never told Harry this but you love re-watching those video diaries they made back in the X-factor days. You decided to watch a few of them since Harry was sound asleep. You grabbed your laptop off the ground and snuck out to the main room. You looked at the time, 3 AM. Wow you’ve been watching the boys’ videos for like an hour now! One in particular was making you laugh incredibly hard. They were just so funny. You’ve seen this one so many times you know it almost inside out. “No Jimmy protested!” you yelled right as Louis did. Just at that moment Harry walked out of his bedroom rubbing his eyes. “Babe, could you fangirl a little quieter so I can go back to sleep,” he said turning your cheeks bright red.

Liam: You and Liam decided to go through some of your old stuff and give some stuff away. Right now, you were looking through some of your old clothes and he was looking through some dirty records lying in stacks. Almost at the bottom of your box you noticed a shirt that you had totally forgotten about. It said “Boobear, Hazza, Daddy Directioner, DJ Malik, and Nialler”. It brought back great memories of your fangirling days. You pretty much wore this shirt 24/7, it was your favorite shirt ever. But now that you were actually dating one of them you thought it was time to give it away. You hugged it close to you like a little girl hugging her teddy bear. “Babe, what are you hugging,” Liam said raising an eyebrow. “Oh, um..nothing,” you said quickly doing your best to hide the shirt. Liam ran over to you attacking you in a tickle war. You gave in and let him see the shirt. “Aw, weren’t you the cutest little fangirl?” he asked kissing your forehead laughing.

Louis: It was the day after the boys’ VMA’s performance and Louis was still sleeping since he had a late night last night. Your phone went off to the ringtone of What Makes You Beautiful of course. It was your best friend Claire. “Hey Y/N!!! Did you watch the boys’ performance last night? What am I saying of course you watched it, you’re Louis’ girlfriend! Weren’t they just amazing! They totally rocked that stage!” she said talking a mile a minute. “Whoa whoa whoa slow down Claire, but yes the boys were amazing. I can’t believe how far they’ve come. It’s incredible,” you said. “I know right, weren’t they like super hot too?!” she asked enthusiastically. “OMG!!! YES!! Did you see Louis’ hair?! It’s soooo hot,” you said hushing your tone just in case Louis woke up. “Really Y/N? You think my new hair cut is hot?” you turned around to see Louis standing in his doorway smirking. “Sorry gotta go Claire, talk ya later,” you said quickly. 


LOL This one was so funneh. XD but it was weird as shit. my friend told me to do one like this unfortunately she ain't got a wattpad :/ she just knows i write so yeah..

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~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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