Disappearance (Punk)

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Louis: Almost a week has gone by and you haven’t seen Louis once. He had brought you home, walked you to your door and left without another word. You tried to look for him around school to thank him one more time but gave up after a few days. Finally, you decided to go to the local coffee shop in hopes to relax and forget about everything that has happened so far. It was very crowded as you entered but, luckily, the line was short. As soon as you received your coffee, you noticed a very familiar brunette with sleeves of tattoos sitting alone in the corner on his laptop. “Louis?” You said as you moved through the crowd of people to sit across from him. “Not again…” He mumbled, hoping you wouldn’t hear but you did. “Not again? What do you mean not again? You’re the one that saved me from practically being raped, admit that I’m different from other girls, bring me home then you seem to drop off the face of the earth for a week!” Louis looked over at you a bit defeated. “I thought this would be best. You’ve heard what people have said about me. I’m no good. I only cause trouble with people I associate myself with.” “You know I don’t believe that, Louis. If you only cause trouble, then why would you save me?” You attempted to grab his hand from across the table but he pulled it back quickly. “I’m the reason that he tried to do that to you in the first place. Logan knew that I feelings for you, I don’t exactly know what these feeling are since I’ve never felt anything like this before, but he used them against me.” You were at a loss for words as you saw Louis’ eyes become slightly glassy. “I need to go…” He said as he began gathering his things. “Louis…wait.” By the time you had finished, he had already left.

Liam: Liam drove you home, just like he said he would. But for the remainder of the week, both Liam and Jake were gone. It wasn’t long until Jake returned a week later with a broken arm and black eye. “Jake, Jake!” You yelled as you ran to catch up with him in the hallways. “What happened?” You didn’t want to talk to him but you desperately needed to know if this had something, anything, to do with Liam and his whereabouts. You finally caught up to him and grabbed onto his arm to pull him to a stop. “What happened to you? I haven’t seen you since Liam sto-” “Ah, Liam.” He said sarcastically. “Haven’t you heard where that asshole is now?” You quickly shook your head. “He’s the reason I’m like this, y/n! After he left with you, he hunted my ass down and fucked me up so badly I was in the hospital for about 3 days while that asshole was, and still is, in jail.” He gruffly said as he stormed off. Liam is in jail? You thought to yourself. The rest of the day went by in a blur seeing as you couldn’t take your mind off of Liam. The most shocking part of the day was when you were walking home and saw a familiar figure walking before you. “Liam?” The figure quickly turned around, confirming that it was in fact Liam, to see who was calling his name. You heard him curse under his breath as he waited for you to catch up to him. “Were you really in jail? Is that why you’ve been gone? How did you even get out? Did you ex-” “You ask a lot of questions, you know that?” You blushed slightly as you tried to keep up with his fast pace. “I’m sorry. I’m just curious.” “Well you shouldn’t be. No one else cares about who I am or what I do. Why do you?” He spoke as he continued to face the ground as you walked along. “Like I said, I’m curious. This entire week, while you were gone, I couldn’t help myself from thinking about how no one knows anything about you. We don’t know what happened at your old school or even why you move here out of all places.” “Good,” He said rather impolitely. “And I’d like to keep it that way. Now, if you don’t mind, this is my house so I’ll be leaving.” He said as his shoulder bumped into yours as he stumbled up the stairs to his house.

Niall: “At least you finished the project before Niall went and disappeared, right?” You best friend said as you walked to the library together. She planned on going home but you decided to go the library but, since the library was on the way to her house, she was kind enough to walk with you. “Yeah, I guess you could say that. I just wish I knew where he went. Nobody’s heard from him for a while now. He couldn’t have just left everything without as much as a goodbye?” You both stopped once you reached the library entrance. “Who cares? If he’s gone, he’s gone. It doesn’t matter and at least he isn’t going to bother you anymore. Okay I have to go. It’s getting late.” You both said your goodbyes and as you entered you thought you saw the tattooed blond but quickly ignored it and began to study for Spanish. It couldn’t be Niall, you thought; he wouldn’t even mention a library let alone enter one. “For fucks sake.” You heard the well-known Irish accent curse. “Niall?” His head snapped in your direction as soon as you spoke. “Y/n?” He quickly gathered his things and attempted to leave but only to be met by you standing in front of him “Well,” You spoke as his eyes met yours. “Are you going to say anything or just stare at me? No one has seen you but now you’re suddenly you’re here, in a library.” His eyes darkened slightly as he grabbed onto your arm and pulled you outside. “Stop talking to me like that. I’m not a child that you can scold for doing something wrong. Nobody has seen me for a reason. That reason is because I don’t want them to. I’m my own person and I can do what I want and I don’t need you to question me about everything that I do.” He growled as he finally released your arm from his grip. “You don’t have to be so hostile, you know. I’m the only person in this town who doesn’t think you’re trouble. I think there’s got to be a reason why you act like this to people. Something has to have happened in your life that made you like this and I-” “Like what,” He interrupted you. “Broken? ‘Cause that’s what everyoneloves to call me. That sad, broken, rude ass blonde kid that’s better off alone.” “Niall…” You attempted to say calmly but your voice cracked. “I didn’t mean it like that. I was goi-” “Forget it. It’s late. I’m going home.” And he did just that.

Zayn: Zayn did exactly what he promised you he would do. He helped you talk to Marcie and she hasn’t bothered you since. Zayn claimed that it was all you’re doing but you knew that it was Zayn’s intimidation and empty threats (because he would never truly hurt a girl) that caused Marcie’s fear. Though you couldn’t be more grateful for Zayn’s help, you couldn’t help but notice that he hadn’t been around very much anymore. Maybe I upset him, you thought as you walked alone in the park. The park was one of you favorite places especially when you need to think which is why it’s a perfect place for you to be in right now. You sat down against a large tree and rested your head against it. You were about to doze off when you heard the infamous chuckle come from your left. Quickly turning your head, you noticed Zayn mimicking your position against a tree while he was petting a stray puppy. “Whatcha doing there little guy?” You heard him say as you quickly approached him. “Zayn, What are you doing here?” You quickly saw his body tense but he quickly ignored it before he replied. “I was just drawing a bit. Needed to clear my mind.” He mumbled, continuing to pet the puppy. “Where have you been? I haven’t seen you in a while.” You said as you sat down next to him. “You shouldn’t be here, you know.” He said. “Why? I’ve been thinking about you since you help me out with Marcie—hell, I don’t think I’ve stopped thinking about you since then.” He chuckled slightly when the dog went to scurry away, cause you to believe that he wasn’t even listening to you. “You shouldn’t be thinking about me,” He sighed. “I should be going. I don’t want to be a bother to you.” “No, Zayn! I’m still talking to…you…” But he was already halfway to his car.

Harry: Harry did exactly what he said he would; he hadn’t bothered you since that car ride. He even switched gym classes and the only time that you saw him was at lunch but he would quickly move to sit alone in the corner. He’d do that for a few days until it was like he vanished completely. No one heard or seen him and, once again, rumors started to begin again. Maybe he got expelled again. It wouldn’t be the first time. Or, I heard he got arrested because of drug deals. You knew that none of them were true but you honestly wondered what happened to him. Exactly a week went by until he was sitting in his spot in the lunchroom. You quickly pulled up a chair and sat by him. “You don’t have to avoid me, you know.” You said. “I’m not avoiding you. I’m trying to help you. This whole town is shunning me and if you keep trying to be around me they’ll do the same to you and you don’t deserve that.” He said as he gripped you hand in his. “So you should listen to me—even if it’s just this once—because I’m right about this, stay away from me. Before something happens and I’m not around to save you this time.” He pressed a quick kiss to your knuckled, mumbling a quick ‘I’m sorry’ while doing so. He finally released your hand as he walked away, leaving you at a loss for words.


Woo update! lol everyone must've stopped reading this by now my update schedule is shit and i'm gonna fix that.


Also I'm posting one more today so yay! brace yourself horny readers ;)

Until next time,

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

ps i love the song on the side go listen to it :)

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