You Think He's Going To Leave You

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Harry: ‘Babe… What’s wrong? I can feel something’s not right.’ Harry asked through the phone. You were calling him like every night on his tour, just before you both went to sleep. ‘Nothing. Really!’ You tried to sound confident. But you absolutely failed miserably. ‘Yeah, right. Com’n, Y/N. Tell me.’ You noticed some frustration in Harry’s voice. You really dreaded telling him anything that you were feeling at this point, because you were scared he would just confirm it and leave you. ‘Babe, I’m wait-,’. ‘Do you still love me?’ You interrupted him in his sentence. A silence fell over the conversation. For a couple of seconds he just said nothing and you were convinced that he was just surprised that you knew. ‘What?!’ He stammered eventually. ‘What-… Why?’ His voice sounded shocked, not knowing how to act, and you just felt even more bad. ‘Why do you think I don’t love you anymore? Did I do something wrong?’ He went on, but he didn’t let you answer his questions. He just rambled further. ‘God, Y/N. Why do you even think like that? Of course I love you. I have never stopped loving you! Why would you think I did?’ And  hearing him say those words, made you feel better again. But somehow you still were not completely convinced. ‘It’s just that every day you are surrounded by beautiful girls, and I don’t see you, and I just worry that you’ll find someone better. Or that I’m holding you back to-’. ‘No. No. Stop. Don’t go there please. Just… completely erase those thoughts baby. I love YOU. And no one else. And God… You should hear me talking about you with the boys. You should see me missing you and looking like complete shit when I’m not on stage. I can’t worry about you doubting my love for you baby. That’s just not something I’m willing to do. I want you to trust me on my word, that I’ll never leave you. Ever. Don’t even think about it. It’s not going to happen.’

Louis: ‘From the moment you stepped on the red carpet you felt so, so stupid. You looked like a farmer girl compared to all those beautiful singers and movie stars. Louis was holding your hand, and you were sure that if he didn’t do that, you would just run straight into the car again and stay there till everything was over. You felt so overwhelmed by all the girls, you thought you were going to be sick. Why would Louis even stay with you when he was able to get anyone on this carpet, because he would… with his charms, he would. Without a doubt. You felt Louis squeeze your hand. ‘What’s wrong?’ He whispered between his teeth. He must have noticed your face full of horror, you figured. ‘I don’t understand why I’m here with you when you can be with any of those girls.’ You whispered back, just putting it out there. Louis eyes immediately shot right at you. He kind of looked frustrated. ‘We are not having this pointless conversation now. You are here with me. I love YOU. And you know that. I understand it perfectly why I’m holding your hand right now. So don’t worry about it. And love me too.’ He said into your hair, making sure nobody could understand anything of the conversation. ‘I love you too.’ You whispered back, when he placed his hand on your lower back and led you to the entrance. And just before you went inside, he kissed your forehead in such a sweet and delicate way, that all your worries disappeared.

Zayn: You were out with Zayn when suddenly you two were interrupted by a couple of fans. And you were stunned with how beautiful they were. They asked Zayn for pictures and hugs and of course he was willing to do that. Like he always was. It made you doubt yourself, and your relationship. And when the fans left, you felt awful. You were so ready to just tell him that you wouldn’t bother him anymore and just leave him so he could be with one of those girls. Till he grabbed your hand and walked further. He didn’t even give you the chance to say anything. ‘I know the look on your face. And I want you to stop worrying. I’m not leaving you. You are the only girl I want, by FAR. You are the most beautiful, sweet, loving, caring, and funny girl I’ll ever meet. And I’m good. I don’t want anyone other than you. So just stop worrying and smile your beautiful smile, baby girl.’ He said softly while walking. And he didn’t even had to say the last sentence. You were already smiling you brightest smile half way through his speech.

Niall: When Niall came home, he instantly knew something was not right, when he saw you sitting on the sofa, arms folded, staring angry into nothing. From the moment he started his sentence to ask you what was wrong, you stood up, grabbed the magazine beside you and pushed it into his hands. He looked confused at first, but when he read what was on the cover his facial expression changed to being shocked. You turned your back on him, ready to walk away when you heard his voice. ‘Don’t you dare make one step.’ His voice sounded low and somewhat scary. You stopped in your tracks but you didn’t turn to face him. He didn’t move either. ‘I’m not going to be mad at you for this, although I really have my reasons. But I’m not going to, because of the simple reason that I know it’s not easy for you. I know you get shit thrown at you sometimes. I know it’s not easy to live in a world where there are always rumors about your boyfriend and other girls. But that’s the thing: it’s always rumors. None of it is true. I love you.. only you.’ And with that you turned around, facing him with tears in your eyes. And his angry expression changed instantly to a soft, caring look. ‘I just… don’t want to lose you.’ You stuttered. Tears were falling down. ‘Oh, baby… You won’t ever lose me… I promise.’ He said while quickly walking over to you and pulling you into his arms. And he held you in such a way you really didn’t want him to ever let go. But then again… He would never let go.

Liam: Liam wasn’t home. And you made the awful choice to check twitter, although Liam always ordered you not to. But sometimes curiousness just got a grip of you. Like now. But from the moment you saw all the comments, you regretted it already.

‘Danielle was so much better then Y/N…’

‘Ugh, I really do hate Y/N. Why can’t Liam see he loved Danielle more?’

‘Liam doesn’t love Y/N. She’s ugly. Nobody can love her!’

Tears filled your eyes. How could people be so cruel? They didn’t even know you! And could it be true that Liam loved Danielle more? You left your laptop and crawled into bed. Tears started rolling onto your cheeks and you couldn’t stop until you fell asleep.

It was a couple of hours later when Liam woke you up, by sitting on the bed beside you and stroking your hair. ‘I’m not happy with you…’ He sadly said when you opened your eyes. At first you were a bit confused. But when he pointed to the open laptop, you understood what he was saying. ‘Why did you do it?’ He asked with furrowed eyes. At this point, you didn’t even know yourself anymore. ‘I was curious, I guess.’ You whispered, voice still raspy from crying and sleeping. ‘And do you feel better now?’ He asked again, eyes on you. And when you shook your head, tears started to form in your eyes again. ‘Oh, baby…’ He said while he took you into his arms, laying in bed as well. ‘Don’t ever believe what they are saying. They literally don’t know a thing about you or me or even my relationship with Danielle. I love you, with every little corner of my heart and I wouldn’t want anyone else to come home to.’ He said while he kissed your tears away.


got this from tumblr x


So I really like this one haha


Please comment on what pref i should write next and I'll dedicate you a chapter!

Kbye Lovelies

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

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