Been Lying (song)

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Louis: 'Don't wear my shades to be cool, I wear them to hide my tears from you'

"It’s quite sunny today, that’s why." You answered his question, guiding your hand through your disheveled hair. "Are you okay?" He asked again, leaving you to sigh heavily. "I’m fine, Louis. Just like any other day." Your eyes hurt so bad from the tears that had fallen from them a few moments ago, that’s why you’re wearing a pair of shades. You didn’t want him to see the pain he’d caused you. You didn’t want him to feel guilty because you couldn’t take a simple, innocent comment. His words kept playing over in your head. "You’re getting bigger, aye?" It was obviously unintentional but you’re the type to overthink. He slowly removed the glasses, his eyes widening at the sight of your red eyes. “Why’ve you been crying? What’s wrong?” You took a seat on the park bench nearby, gathering your thoughts. “Tell me, [Y/N].” “It’s stupid,” An emotionless chuckle fell from your mouth as you brought a hand up to wipe the moisture dripping from your eyes. “It mustn’t be if you’re this upset,” “You called me fat Lou,” you took a breath, “and I don’t- I don’t know what I’m supposed to feel. I’m just sad.”

Zayn: 'Tryin' to make everyone happy, that ain't me”

You felt weird cramped up in a dress in front of millions of people, hosting a tv show that barely had any viewers. It gained the numbers after you’d been confirmed to be appearing on it. Once again you’d been pushed, poked and prodded into something you didn’t want to do. "You’ll do great [Y/N]! You should do it!" "If I were you, I’d say yes to that." "What? Are you thinking of not taking it? You’re mad!" Although, it was more of pressuring than anything else. The audience kept staring at you, waiting for the next words to come out of your mouth, but nothing happened. “I-I’m sorry,” you muttered into the microphone, dropping it onstage and running off to the wings. “I’m going home, I can’t do this.” “[Y/N]! What the hell! Get back out there! You’ll be making alot of people happy if you do!” He yelled at you, infuriated at your actions.”It’s not my job to make people happy! I try but it never works! It ain’t me!”

Liam: 'My heart has been through hell and back'

The urge to end the relationship between you and him was becoming stronger as he continued to break your heart even more. Watching him whisper in the brunette’s ear was enough, really. You had a reason to do it then. It was just the love you felt for him everyday that made you second guess yourself, regardless of how he makes you sad. You yanked his arm back, pulling him down to your face. “We need to talk, outside.” His face was confused at your words but he followed you anyway. “What d’ya want?” “I want to break up.” There. Done. Dusted. “No,” He countered, “No you don’t, [Y/N], you’re just a little tipsy,” He hoped deep down that you weren’t sober and that this was a joke. He didn’t want to lose you. “I’m perfectly sober and I’m leaving. I’ll pick my stuff up on the way home, I just need to get away from you.” “Wait!” He yelled at you, “Why are you doing this?” You turned to face him, “Don’t you realise what you’ve put me through? My heart has been through hell and back because of you! That’s why I’m doing this! To save myself from doing something stupid!”

Harry: 'Act like I don't really give a fuck,'

A smile left your face while you watched the latest ‘hot couple’ of the moment take a publicity walk around the park. His eyes found you sitting alone, looking at your phone and then looking up, like you were searching for someone. “I’ll be right back,” He placed a kiss on his girlfriend’s head before walking over to where you were. “Looking for someone?” Your head snapped up to take a glance at the familiar voice. “Yeah.” You sent him a grin, receiving the same back. “Who is it?” He tried to take a peak at your phone screen, but you held it back. “You two look cute together,” You changed the subject, referring to his new girlfriend. “Thanks. Nice too see you looking all happy now, and you didn’t answer my question.” “Waiting for a friend,” you lied. You read on twitter that he was located in the place you were in. “Which one?” “Owen.” His face showed slight anger. He didn’t like him at all. He once got you high as hell when you were pissed, and it didn’t end very well. “I thought I told you-” “We’re not together anymore, Harry. Just go have fun with her, you’re happy. Let me be happy too.” Smile through the pain, [Y/N].

Niall: 'They only see what the camera shows'

He’d been on tour for a couple of months and he’d seen those pictures scattered on twitter that had you featured in them walking around London with a friend. He felt as though something was wrong, even though the pictures showed your beautiful smile and overall happy demeanour. “Hey Niall,” You answered your phone. “Hey [Y/N], how’re you doin’?” You smiled at his reply. It was good to know he cared about your well-being. “I’m doing great thanks, and you? How’s the American heat-waves treating ya’?” He sighed, knowing that you were lying. “Are you sure you’re alright?” “Pretty positive, babe.” You were so close to cracking so you whispered, probably alerting him. It was insane. You didn’t think you’d miss someone to the point where you wanted to cry because their absence is just taking a toll on you. The number of days you spent together before he left didn’t quite prepare you for what was to come. “I can tell you’re not okay,” he softly spoke, “I’ll be back in the weekend.” You grinned at the thought of him coming home, lying on each other while watching tv, just enjoying one another’s company. “Okay.”


Yay for song preference!

I've put the song on the side it's by rita ora it's awesomesauce im in love with it right now...does anyone of you like Lorde? OMFG I LOVE HER SO MCUH k bye.

Oh and this chapter is dedicated to 'AllThingsHysterical' cause she kinda boosted me up to write a yeah I'll dedicate a preference if you leave me a suggestion or a lovely comment so yay!

~Girlnotonfire/Naqiya xx

p.s louis' thighs are dangerous. just saying.

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