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Sometimes, leaving everything you've ever known and loves behind is the hardest thing to experience, but in my case, I had nothing to leave behind. Maybe its not always about trying to fix something broken, maybe its about starting over and creating something better.

Thats why I dont care about my mom moving us from Pheonix Arizona all the way to Australia. My mom is the head over the hospital in our town and even though multiple hospitals have called, sent letters and a few even come to our house trying to get her to transfer. But between the amazing offer of a job raise, a house free of rent, and constant begging from me, Sydney won.

Yeah I know what your thinking..'why would you want to move so far away from home!' Well the thing is, I dont consider this home. I dont consider anywhere home. This town is nothing to me. I have nothing here but my parents. No friends, no other family, nothing. All the shit this town holds is suffocating. And starting over is just the thing I need and hope to get in Sydney.

Todays the day and I couldnt be more excited. My mom planned on waking me up at around 10am. but I was up at 7:30 considering I couldnt sleep with all my excitement.

"Snow Grace Daniels!!" My mothers rather usual chirpy voice shouted from downstairs. I shot up, tossing my laptop and phone aside and sprinted downstairs.

"Woah, your gonna break something running around in your socks on this hardwood floor." My mom warned me.

"Sorry Momma. Whatsup?" My mom was always a nice woman. She didnt have a mean bone in her body. I tell her everything and honestly, shes my bestfriend. She always dressed nice and had her hair styled niceley and I cant say my mom isnt gorgeous because she is. She has long blonde hair, that sets midway down her back and curls just slightly, and shes slim.

"Ive got to run by the hospital and grab the last of my paper work for the transfer before our flight. I need you to make sure you have your things packed, they'll be shipped over the day after we get there. Remember to meet me your dad at the airport." She adjusted her jacket and grabbed her bag.

"Gotcha." I turned on my heel and ran halfway up the stairs before I slipped and fell on my ass.

"Told you." She laughed as I steadied myself standing up.

"What time do I need to be at the airport?"

"Five o'clock." I nodded and headed for my room to check that all I needed was packed.


4:45 rolled along and I was in traffic not even five minutes away from the damned airport.

"Shit!" I screamed.

"Sorry mam." The driver alologized.

I debated getting out and running down the street to the airport but the car started to move. Thank God.

We pulled up to Paradise Airpark and I all but launched myself out of the cab and into the building.

"Snow! Over here!" My mother waved me down from beside the doorway to the plane.

We boarded the plane and I slid into the window seat followed by my mom and my dad. I put my headphones in each ear and leaned my head against the window and watched as the shit town I was leaving, turned into a tiny black speck.

-- 15 hours later --

"Snow. Honey were here. Snow get up!" I lifted my head from off the window and let my eyes adjust to the brightness streaming through the window.

"Were here?" My mom nodded.

I grabbed my bag from the compartment and shoved my phone and headphones in the side pocket. When we stepped off the plane I was suprised at how beautiful the scenery was. Not a cloud in the sky, the sun bright as ever. It was hot but considering Pheonix was known for how hot it can get. The humidity was stronger than in Pheonix but I'll adjust.

We pulled up to our new house after a 20 minute drive from the airport. My dad grabbed his and my moms bags and walked into the house, me following.

"Oh my god Mom." I admired the house. It was big, but not too big, and beautiful to say the least. The staircase that led upstairs caught my attention first and I ran upstairs to pick my room.

After inspecting each of the three rooms, I chose the one to the far left. It was the biggest but my parents wouldnt care. There were two windows, one beside where I decided my bed would be going and one on the far window. I layed my duffle bag on the floor and walked over to the window, there was a house on each side of the window. Each house in this street looked simalat but it seemed, ours is the biggest.

I pushed back the curtains covering the glass and looked out. I noticed a small movement from the window of the neighbors house, I opened up the window letting the hot air in. I leaned out looking around and when I leaned back up to shut the window, I noticed boy.

He stood in the neighbors window staring at me. Our windows werent but 3 feet away. He looked pissed. He had black hair with hints of red in it that was a mess on his head and the black iron maiden tank top he wore exposed his arms. I gave a small wave but he didnt wave back. Instead he kept staring at me then shut the curtain.

"Okay then." I spoke aloud.

I sat down by the window against the wall and sighed. A good sigh.

Finally away from Pheonix and all the shit I left behind. Finally I can start new. No worries, no problems, nothing.... At least I thought so.

I'm With You; mgc (book #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant