Chapter Seventy-Seven

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After David had left for town on his motorcycle, planning to return later with Julie's clothes and some food for all of them, Crissa knew she could not go another hour without a shower and change of clothes. As she was under the warm water, quickly washing her body and shampooing her hair, she heard the familiar but loathsome sound of the jeep or truck coming back up toward the cabin. Desperately, she tried to rinse off, dry her body and dress to deal once again with her unwanted visitors. After several moments she heard the front door of the cabin open and slam shut, just when the powerful engine of the single vehicle parked outside shut down.

As she ran into the living room, she saw that Julie was missing—only her empty blanket was left lying on the floor. Crissa hesitantly went to the door, pushed it open slightly, and looked outside. There she saw Julie walking naked toward the wolf hunter's truck. There she seemed to stand and wait, unashamedly and confused. The bearded man got out of his vehicle and walked up to her. Julie was looking down at the ground, silent. It was an indication to Crissa that she was still not fully aware of what she was doing. The man reached up and put his hand boldly on her shoulder, seemingly to test her reaction.

Crissa leaned her head further outside to hear the man's words as he spoke.

"So, what are you . . . some kind of nudist, babe?"

Julie remained stoic. Unmoving.

"Hey, girlie! . . . I'm talking to you . . ."

The man reached over and touched her shoulder again.

Obvious now to Crissa, the girl was incapable of understanding the danger she was in—still naked and placing herself so close to the curious and opportunistic stranger. Crissa watched as the man stood closer to her to once more to test her reaction. She could see the large amplifiers he still had in the back of his truck.

Quickly, Crissa ran back inside to the bedroom and took the hunting knife out of its sheath. She carried it back with her, holding it down, hidden under the hoodie she wore. When she looked out again, she saw the man's hand move from the girl's shoulder down to one of her bare breasts. Crissa then passed purposefully through the front door and walked calmly toward the pair.

"Hey! Leave her alone!" she shouted assertively.

"What? This here's your friend?"

"Yes. And I said leave her alone!"

"So . . . is she crazy or something?"

"She's not well, OK? And if you touch her again you'll have to deal with me . . . and this . . ."

Crissa brought the knife out into the light, holding it in front of her.

"So just step away from her . . . and let me take her back inside."

"Well she's all yours, Missy," he said smiling cordially. "But you sure you know how to use that thing?"

"I've had some practice," she replied soberly.

"Well you know, I wasn't gonna do her no harm. Just wanted to know why . . ."

"I suggest you just move on before I report you the Mounted Police. They'd love to know who killed those wolves you showed me . . . and caused all that noise last night."

"Well, alright then. No harm done. Just do'in my business, ma'am."

"And what is your business?"

"Wolf hunter . . . extraordinaire," the man said, smiling.

He then gave a little salute of farewell while stepping away from Julie and getting back in his truck. Crissa waited as he started his engine and sped away. She quickly recited and memorized the truck's license plate number. She then took the hand of the still-dazed Julie and led her back into the cabin.

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