“You scared the crud out of me when you open the door and I ended up hitting my head on the railing!” She looked embarrassed and said, “I'm sorry Chlo! Well at least you know it’s not possible to get a concussion!”

“It’s okay, it’s not the first time I’ve been hurt today” I replied.

“What do you mean?” She asked confused. “Uh…well I kind of…met a guy today…” I started. I didn’t really have a chance to continue cause Rose went into her crazy mode. It happens a lot with her.

“OH MY GOSH!! You met a guy!? Was he hot?! Was he nice?! Oh who cares if he’s nice…was he hot?!”

“Rose! Calm down! Yes, he was very cute.” I felt my cheeks heating up already. “He, er, kinda found out I’m...immortal.” I stared at her waiting for her reaction.

She had a blank expression then said, “Rose, are you sure that was a good idea?”

“I didn’t exactly have a choice! He saw me heal and started asking questions. I’m not completely sure if I trust him but he seemed sincere when he said he wouldn’t tell anyone!”

“That’s good, just remember what happened with Reilly.” She told me with a solemn look on her face. I remembered very well. Reilly was a guy Rose had dated for a year. Eventually she had to break up with him so he wasn’t in danger and wouldn’t notice she wasn’t getting any older. After that, Rose went through a phase which consisted of sitting in her room with the lights off, crying, eating chocolates and whole buckets of ice cream with a spoon. You know...the stuff you see girls do in movies after a breakup.

I decided to change the subject so Rose wouldn’t have to think about him. “Will you come with me? To the cemetery, I mean. I’ve been meaning to visit it since I got here.”

“Of course I will!” Rose replies as we start walking out the door. “You’ve been in Seattle for three months and you still haven’t visited?”

Every time Jessie and I moved to a different place we always went to the cemetery closest to us to see if anyone we knew was there. It was sort of depressing but it felt good when I got to say a proper goodbye. I never got to do that with my sister and my parents.

“I didn’t really have time, you know? I have high school. Why do we have to go anyway? It’s not like we’re learning anything we don’t already know!”

“Ooh! Guess what?!” Rose asked with her eyes wide. Rose was very predictable so I had an idea of what she was going to say. 

“You’re going to go to Riverstone High School too?” I asked.

The excited expression dropped from her face and was replaced by an annoyed one. “Geez, you just had to ruin the surprise, didn’t you!?”

I giggled and said, “You know me…always taking the fun out things!”

“Seriously!” She grumbled. I swear, this child has mood swings or something cause all of a sudden she starts skipping gleefully to the car.

“Yes! I finally get to go to high school with you! Are there any cute guys there?” She asks after buckling the seatbelt.

I rolled my eyes and said, “You’re too boy crazy for your own good.” I wouldn’t be surprised if guy tried to ask her out at school though. She was gorgeous. She was slightly tanned with bright red hair, a small button nose, and wide brown eyes.

I tried to pull my seatbelt down but it wouldn’t budge. “Rose, can you help me? It’s stuck.”

“That’s what she said!” Rose blurted. “Sorry…I couldn’t help myself!” I laughed at her as she reached over and pulled it down with one harsh yank.

“Oh…whoops.” I said embarrassed. I mean, really? This girl was way tinier than me and yet she was still stronger. I really needed to work out…

I pulled out of the driveway and we drove to the nearest cemetery, which was about fifteen minutes away. Rose filled me in on everything her and John had been doing for the past year. Apparently, they had saved some family from a house that was on fire and lived in Singapore for most of the year. Then they came back and decided to find us. During the car ride, Rose, being her random self, decided to turn the radio up full volume.

“IT’S HARD TO LOOK RIGHT AT YOU BAAAABBBBYYY, SO HERE’S MY NUMBER, SO CALL ME MAYBE!” She sang at the top of her lungs and bobbed her head up and down to the beat of the song. I just grinned and shook my head at her silliness.

We finally arrived at the cemetery and got out of the car to get inside the cemetery through the towering gate in front of us. It creaked as I pushed it open and I noticed the little raindrops sliding down the black metal. I looked up and saw that it had stopped raining. Finally. We slowly made our way through the mud and got to the rows of graves.

By now it was about 8:00 and getting dark. This only added to the creepiness of the cemetery. I felt like any second a ghost was gonna jump out of it’s grave and start chasing me around. Yes…I’m afraid of the dark. Don’t judge!

As I scanned the tombstones looking for a familiar name, I heard Rose call me. I ran to her worried she had somehow gotten into trouble but my heart stopped when I saw a distraught look on her face.

“Chlo, I’m so sorry.” She whispered.

Could it be possible…?

My gaze followed her arm down to what she was pointing to and I automatically felt tears coming into my eyes. I felt the mud soaking through my jeans as I kneeled down to look at the grave planted in front of me.

Laura Leigh Greene, 1836-1921. Loving mother, wife, daughter, and sister.

My sister.


Hey guys! VOTE/COMMENT/FAN! I know it was put up earlier than I would usually but I was bored and decided to write it! BYE YOU AWESOME PEOPLE! 

My World of Secretsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें