32: Epilogue (edited)

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Jay and Cole wandered the display cases in Borgs' antiquities room, stopping at the place the Golden Armour once stood and Jay sighed. 

'You ok buddy?' Cole asked.

'Hmm, yeah. Kinda... I don't know'

Cole worried for Jay. He hadn't really bounced back from being dramatically dumped for a glowing Golden God 'You really did love Nya didn't you?'

'Well... yes' Jay looked up at Cole, he couldn't say anything else... so changed the subject 'Do you think Borg will make some kind of display to commemorate our battle to stop the Apocalypse?'

'What would he display? There's nothing physical to have come out of the Battle... apart from Lloy.... Cole stopped abruptly.

'Hrmph! Maybe Borg could shove him in a cabinet!'

'Jay!' Cole admonished sharply.

'Bleargh! Why shouldn't I hate Lloyd... just a little bit huh?' he asked Cole.

'Because, you are brothers and you said it yourself... you were fates pawn. If you're going to hate anyone, hate fate!'

'Yeah but I can't hit fate in the face'

'I'd like to see you try and hit Lloyd in the face!' Cole quipped 'he's like, some kind of Golden battle god now. Even with his eyes closed, that armour would protect him'

'Ok ok... don't rub it in. He's so much better than me. No wonder Nya wanted him over me'

'Come on, Jay. You know that's not what happened. None of us can compare ourselves to Lloyd and to be honest, I would not want his pressure' Jay shrugged 'I mean, we can do what we want when we want; go out to the cinema incognito... Because not only would Lloyd be thrown out for lighting the place up, he would then be mobbed by adoring fans... which is not fun!' Jay seemed to see the sense in this 'That armour; as amazing as it is; is more of a curse than a gift. He needs Nya, because without her, he would be truly alone'

'Maybe' Jay replied.

'It'll just take time, but you'll be fine'

'Yeah. I guess. Thanks buddy' he said to Cole... 'Hey, I just realised. There is a display of sorts from the adventure... The Tomb of the Great Devourer!'

'Oh yeah, jeez, you're right. It's easy to forget it's still in the Simulation Room'

'With whatever's left of Zane's body to keep it company!' Jay added.

'Yeah, just think yourself lucky you didn't get trapped in there with it!'


'Y'know. If it's a choice between one ninja and the world, we would have had to make that decision...'

'Is that somehow meant to make me feel better?' Jay said

'In a strange twisted way yes. Now come on, let's forget all about everything and...' as they turned the corner they saw Nya and Kai looking out of the huge windows to the city. On seeing Nya, Jay slumped, but Cole, straightened his shoulders and slapped him on the back 'C'mon. Chin up. First day of the rest of your life and all that. Start now and it can only get better'

Cole dragged Jay over to them where Kai was pointing desperately to a spot somewhere in the vast broken city 'There, it's that square there. Where that Huge Temple used to be... that one'

'Oh right, that makes it so much easier to find Kai!' Nya replied laughing.

'Well, that's where Lloyd triggered the whole chain of events that lead to the Golden Master prophecy being fulfilled'

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