5: Silent Night (edited)

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The temple was always quiet at night. Floating above the city the noises from the bustle of city life barely disturbed them, but tonight a different kind of silence had descended. It was as if the whole island were holding its breath.

On their return the ninja had found themselves unable to continue with any sense of normality. Stunned, they stayed together in silence until Misako found them and Nya broke the news. Lloyd had not returned but their shock was such that they imaged his to be worse and didn't question why he was not there. But they hadn't witnessed the incident on her dragon and Nya knew his absence was more than sorrow alone. Misako had seemed to take the news well but soon retreated to be alone. Nya could only imagine that she would need her son with her.

One by one they gradually disappeared to their respective rooms, leaving Nya alone with her thoughts until night fell. Lost in sorrow and confusion, she barely noticed the darkness that crept in around her. Where was Lloyd? Nya could not accept what was happening and only managed to shake herself from the trance to wander the corridors of the dark temple.

Her footsteps struck loud in the silence and with every creak in a floorboard she considered what Wu had meant; that he wouldn't die, as a mortal might understand it... Would he just appear from time to time for a chat and offer up some more unfathomable wisdom? Ghosts' were not uncommon, she mused but couldn't begin to know what Wu had meant. She turned her head toward the sound of a light tapping down a corridor; a loose shutter in the night air she imagined, but wondered if something might just appear out of the gloom. She needed to talk to someone about all of this. Perhaps when Misako felt able, she would help her understand; and again she thought of Lloyd and that he should be here, with his family. Misako should have heard the news from her son.

Finding herself at the kitchen, Nya entered and turned on the light. After the dark of the corridor, the brightness accentuated the soreness of her eyes and she squinted against it.  She filled the kettle to make some tea and rummaged for her favourite mug from the back of the cupboard.

Taking it through to the dark lounge, she curled up on the sofa, pulled a blanket over her and closed her eyes. The day's events washed through her mind and as pain and confusion rose in her chest she couldn't stop the tears from stinging all over again and she had to place her tea down as her shoulders shook and the tears came again.

A sound startled her quiet sobs and looking through to the bright kitchen she saw Lloyd walk in. She froze, but he saw her sitting in the dark and moved to the doorway of the lounge.

Nya visibly recoiled as he stood silhouetted in the doorway 'Lloyd, please don't come any closer, I really don't think I can take any of your games right now'

Lloyd stepped forward but stopped short of approaching her 'Nya, please... It's me, really me... I promise. I need to talk to you' hovering before her, she could see his hair and clothing dishevelled from flight. His eyes ringed red from sorrow, they pleaded with her to hear him.

'Lloyd?' Nya barely whispered his name in hope; seeing her friend as she knew him to be and began to stand. Lloyd moved gratefully toward to her as she instinctively held out her arms and he fell into her for comfort and she felt the weight of his sorrow as his body touched hers; they leant on each other as they had a thousand times and it was familiar and innocent and Nya felt relief at having him back.

Pulling away Nya looked at her younger teammate, how can sorrow be so beautiful?  Surprised at the direction her thoughts had taken, she released him and sat back down quickly. Lloyd followed, flopping next to her and stared into the room. Nya felt the weight of his body sink into the cushions beside her and couldn't stop her gaze from falling across his features and down his graceful neck. It was as if the familiar figure beside her was completely changed from what she knew, or thought she knew... and she realised he was talking but hadn't heard a word.

Stopping him, she put her hand on his arm 'I'm sorry Lloyd, I was somewhere else, can you start again?'

'Yeah, sorry' Lloyd started 'here I am going on about my problems when Wu has gone. I'm so selfish'

'No Lloyd, you are not selfish at all. It's a difficult time for all of us, but Wu would want you to be happy' Lloyds face looked so sad, he needed to talk and she wanted to hear him 'Please... tell me what's going on'

Lloyd looked at her and slowly began 'I don't know how to say this...' and paused, barely able to look Nya in the eye 'I...I know what I've been doing. I don't want to, but I've not been able to stop it...'

'What do you mean?'

'My power is... changing me' He looked at Nya, distraught at his admission, finding it difficult to explain '...I've been inappropriate... and I'm so embarrassed' He turned to her and taking her hand, looked imploringly into her eyes, hoping she would believe him 'It's not me Nya, it's my power. It crawls under my skin and into my brain. It takes what's innocent and warps it. I love you; its twisting that and using it against me'

Nya was unsure what to say 'I...I love you too Lloyd' was all she could come up with.

He threw his arms around her neck and held her tight. Visibly upset from his confession, he had nothing else to hide.

Lloyds words were certainly some sort of explanation for his behaviour but still made little sense. Nya gently spoke to him 'we can all help you Lloyd, you have to let us in'

'No way!' Lloyd exclaimed and pulled away in worry 'Jay can't know about this. Its awful, I couldn't bare it'

Nya composed herself 'Well' she held his hand 'Sleep on it and see how you feel. I know that whatever this is, it is not you, so you don't have to be embarrassed, ok? We can work it out. But please let me help'

'Ok' he quietly agreed and leant forward to her. Nya felt every sense enhanced as his lips glanced off her cheek with the lightest of kisses. 'Goodnight' he said and she smiled at him, trying to hide her reaction to his touch.

'Goodnight' she said and his eyes stayed with hers as he moved away to leave the room. Nya watched him leave through the bright kitchen. She now felt even more confused and was suddenly hit by the full weight of guilt. Putting her head in her hands she groaned quietly 'why am I feeling this... this... attraction?' she asked herself, but taking a deep breath, found she couldn't answer. The day had finally exhausted her and she had to sleep. Taking her mug back to the kitchen she poured the now lukewarm tea into the sink and unlike everyone else, washed her mug so Zane would not have to deal with it in the morning and left it to drain.

She climbed the stairs to go to her room for some blessed sleep but found that she naturally stopped at Jays' door. She hovered, unsure whether she should knock, but she did.

The door opened and Jay leant on the frame, an air of sadness about him 'what a day huh?' he said quietly and Nya nodded gently. Only time could naturally dampen the sorrow they all felt, but right now she needed to be close to someone, have them hold her and remind her that she was still alive. He moved closer and their bodies naturally came together. He took her hand and led her inside.

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