23: Links (edited)

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You know its not getting any cooler in here!' Jay said tugging at his cowl and fanning himself.

'What would you have me do Jay? Open the windows?' Zane replied looking back at the skeleton Anacondrai who were systematically throwing their bones at the glass. The thuds were repetitive, like a drum beating a countdown till break through. Their bones splintered against the toughened glass and where one fell another took it place. It was a terrifying sight but the glass held.

'I thought you asked the building to regulate the temperature?'

'I did Jay, but I don't think the heat is being created by the building after all'

'Well that can't be good?'

'No d'uh, Jay!' Kai cut in 'What the hell is making it then?'

'I can't say for sure, but the heat is travelling throughout the building consistently' Zane viewed the air with thermal sensors 'I see a vertical draw of heat from below, possibly from the earth itself. It's like the tower is channelling it'

'So literally, the fires of hell are heating the tower...?' said Kai.

'Well, I guess so'

Cole interrupted 'So if it's going up, that's where we have to go too'

'But, what about Borg? He said to leave'

'Jay, we are not leaving anytime soon' Cole said incredulously, pointing at the skeleton army bashing and sliding down the glass walls. 'So we are going up this tower to help Borg, because he is obviously dealing with something up there'

'Or someone' Jay mumbled.

Cole indicated for the Warriors to fall in 'we're moving up the tower. We'll take the first stage elevator to level 20. Assess there then move up again'

'You trust the elevators?' Jay worried out loud.

'Zane can you just check the elevators?'

'They're fine Cole'

'That's good enough for me, I don't want to get up there exhausted'

'I don't want to get up there, dead!' Jay muttered.

'You want to stay here?'

Jay looked back at the skeleton army, still thrashing against the windows 'not really'

Cole's shoulders sagged a little 'I swear Jay, you exhaust me way more than if we actually climbed the 150 floors of this building'

Jay gave Cole a half smile 'Sorry bro' he held his hand up and Cole grasped it. A small amount of electricity crackled from Jay's palm to Coles at the impact 'shit sorry, are you ok?'

'I'm fine. That actually felt kinda good' Cole said thoughtfully. He looked to the blade and then at Jay 'I wonder how this works between us?'

'Without it, I kind of messed you up'

'Yeah and believe me I have no desire to have that happen again. The blade benefits you through me, so maybe it can enhance all our powers if we are linked directly?'

'It could be the case' Zane added 'You must be in direct contact with the blade for it to protect you or channel your power, so it would equate that if we are in direct contact with you, it would have the same effect on us '

'C'mon guys, lets test it out' Cole said dragging Kai into the group.

The serpent warriors came forward to watch the experiment and as the friends linked hands one pulled Jay out of his position between Kai and Zane. He pointed at Kai and Jay and indicated an explosion 'Good call' Cole said 'keep these two apart, just in-case'

The snake put Jay's hand on Coles arm, the one that held the Blade. He then linked Kai's hand to Cole's free one and then indicated Zane to take Kai's. They had gotten used to the Warriors taking things into their own hands and waited patiently until they were finished. The snake raised Coles arm and pointed at the blade clutched tight in his hand. He stepped away and patted Cole on the head to continue 'okaaay' Cole said, amused at the Snakes actions 'can we all very carefully try activating our powers... just a little bit' Cole winced, closed his eyes and waited.

All their powers had improved, so they did not need to exert themselves, but concentrated as a glimmer of lightning, fire and ice pulsed between their linked bodies. Cole opened his eyes, feeling that the powers were controled and no threat 'I can feel you all' he said.



Said Jay and Kai.

Cole huffed 'Oh for pities sake you are such children. Ok, ramp it up, this feels good'

The ease in which they found themselves activating their powers was welcome, they hadn't felt this whole since before the explosion. A sudden burst of power coursed through Cole and his arm shimmered, strands of the combined elemental powers wound their way down into the blade. Their heads slumped forward to their chests as if in a deep sleep and Cole moved forward as if in a daze. He slowly looked down to ground level, at the skeletons crashing and writhing at the windows. As the blade arced with flashes of white, blue and red, Kai raised his head and Cole's slumped forward as he levelled the blade at the windows. Zane's eyes flew open 'NO!' he shouted, breaking his link with Kai as one of the warriors was leaping to push the blade off course 'What are you doing Kai?'

Kai blinked 'I... I'm not sure' The link between them was broken and Cole shook his head from his stupor.

'KAI!'' Cole shouted and pushed him away.

'I... uh... I think I was a little overwhelmed' Kai said meekly.

'A little? If you had broken that glass, we all would have been overwhelmed'

'I'm sorry, I don't know what came over me... I... I just saw red...'

'Well its obviously not just the powers that link with Cole' said Jay 'Hot head over here always wants to be in control, so... y'know, it was inevitable really'

'Are you kidding me?' Kai shoved Jay and Zane stepped between them.

'Kai, your temper is heightened at the moment' Zane reminded him 'we all zoned out, so Cole could draw from us. Kai I believe your temper overrode all others to gain control'

'Sounds like Kai alright' Cole chuckled 'Right. Good to know where we stand with it, but I don't think Kai will be having access again!'

'Whaaat? I'll behave next time, I promise' Kai pleaded as they all followed Cole towards the elevators.

Quietening down, they all huddled in the elevator and door slid shut 'I don't know about you guys, but I feel gooood' said Jay.

Zane nodded and Kai replied with a moody 'Mmm hmm'

Jay smiled 'That blade is the good sh...'

'Guys, come on. Respect the blade please' Cole demanded and stood strong, the blades handle grasped tight in front of him as the elevator ascended and the heat increased.

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