6: Allies (edited)

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The team approached the great gateway to Ouroboros. Snakes from all clans were coming and going, visiting the market sellers that lined the thoroughfare leading to the entrance. A stark contrast from the first and last time they had been here. Looking through into the hubbub of the main square, the remains of the great serpentine statue were clearly visible rising above the crowds. A haphazard wooden scaffold had been built around it and a new great statue was about to be constructed.

A few snakes gave them sideways stares. A few elderly hissed 'ninjaaa' and slithered away, but on the whole there were more 'hellos' and 'good-day's' than the latter. Since Chens' fake Anacondrai had been overthrown, the Snake Clans had united again peacefully and were making great strides to live in harmony above the surface. For the moment the clans were content in re-building Ouroboros to re-introduce the once great city to the world but weren't yet a common site in Ninjago City itself, this would take time.

Cole spoke up 'Come on guys, let's move forward' He could see the apprehension on the faces of his friends and Lloyd was looking particularly sheepish.

'This is pretty great huh?' said Nya 'Though, I am feeling slightly weirded out!'

'Yeah, I mean, I keep thinking some sword wielding Anacondrai are gonna' jump out on us' said Jay, laughing nervously.

'Or Hypnobrai!' added Cole 'man I could do without being hypnotised again, that was not cool'

'That's not going to happen' Zane scoffed at them.

'I just feel kind of embarrassed' said Lloyd.

'Oh don't worry about it Lloyd' Said Kai 'everybody does dumb stuff when they're 12. C'mon' He grabbed Lloyd in a neck-wrestle and pulled him forward.

Lloyd threw his arm off 'It's not just that  Kai. This meeting... As soon as we tell them The Golden Master legend has not been fulfilled, they're going to look straight at me. They already think I'm a serious trouble maker'

'Well you kind of are, dude' Kai said unhelpfully.


'Get it right Bro' Jay cut in 'He used  to be a troublemaker. He's all grown up now. Look at him, pillar of the community!' and Jay slapped Lloyd on the back.

'C'mon' guys, lay off him' said Cole 'Lets make sure this meeting is a success ok?' and stared Jay and Kai down, ending the debate.

Nya walked next to Lloyd 'take no notice of them. Things are only ever worse in your head. I mean look at this place. No matter our past grievances, we helped restore the Serpentine to the world... and well, you did most of it really' Lloyd shrugged at Nya 'You earned the eternal thanks of the Anacondrai Generals, that's something the elders of the clans will respect'

'I'll take your word for it' Lloyd replied looking up at the sentries as they passed through the gateway. The sentries watched them pass silently.

'NINJAAAAA' a group of four child Serpentine rushed in front of their path blocking their route and the team gave each other furtive glances 'We love you Ninja!' said a tiny Fangpyre with a high-pitched squeak of a voice.

'Yeah, will you fight us?' A Hypnobrai asked excitedly.

Kai leant down to answer them 'It's not really right to fight children...'

'Well, you fought him!' The Venomari pointed at Lloyd.

Lloyd Grimaced. Kai chuckled 'Well that was different...' he said, just as the Constrictai's sneaking tail pulled his feet out from under him 'Waah' yelped Kai as he hit the ground.

Lloyd laughed 'Lets leave Kai to it shall we?'

The team nodded their approval as the first ever Serpentine Ninja leapt on Kai 'No... WAIT! It's four against one! HOW IS THIS FAIR?'

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