17: Jay (edited)

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Looking down into the makeshift camp, Jay took in the scene before him. Cole was sat by a camp fire and Zane was next to Kai, who was asleep on the ground. The enormity of what had happened was finally sinking in. Having been so consumed with rage, it had taken the long walk back to the Temple of Airjitsu for him to see the devastation he had brought about. Now his anger had subsided, he began to see the world around him as it really was and realised his pain was nothing compared to the destruction of their city. And seeing his friends fragile beneath the he chilling backdrop of their island home, he found he couldn't face them, not yet.

Looking again, Cole stood and as he moved, he sagged and stumbled. They didn't look in very good shape and the absence of half their number meant the team, as he knew it would never be the same again.

Nya was alive though, he knew that much, but Lloyd? He himself could never have survived the destructive power that Lloyd unleashed. Remembering the horror of Lloyds face aflame, Jay knew with a certainty that Nya had saved him but would have to tell them that Lloyd was surely gone. He didn't know how to explain any of it, but he was going to have to. There would be no right time to do this and so he moved from his position to make his way down to the camp and face his friends. 

Making his way through the ruined building, Jay finally jumped clear and saw Zane look up. As expected Zane had sensed his approach and alerted the team. As he walked towards the camp, his three team mates assembled to meet him. Cole jogged slowly out and grabbing him into a bear hug he couldn't contain his relief 'you're alive... you're alive' was all he could say and as Cole released his grip, Jay couldn't look him in the eye. He hung his head as the many different feelings of shame overwhelmed him.

Cole held Jays shoulders 'Jay, what is it? Is it Lloyd and Nya? Do you know where they are? What happened to them?' 

Jay stuttered and went to move towards the camp 'I... I've a lot to tell you. You should sit'.

Kai pushed past Zane and Jay gasped at the sight of him. 'Tell us now' Kai demanded 'I'm not going to wait to hear! Where's Nya, where's my sister?' Covered head to toe in black, crusted burns Jay could not fathom how Kai was standing let alone walking and talking? 'JAY?' Kai demanded an answer.

'Uh... Kai. You're burnt!'

'No shit... Where's Nya?'

'Nya's... ok... When I left her she was ok?'

'When you left her? What does that mean?' knowing Nya was alive had quelled Kai's ferocity slightly, but he still needed answers 'Is she with Lloyd?'

'You could say that' Jay snorted derisively. 

'... Jay, I am this close to flooring you!' and kai raised his fist, only to grimace in pain and stumble back.

Cole jumped in 'Look, its obviously a complicated story, let's sit, as Jay suggested then we will hear everything' he said and turned to Jay with a stern look.

Zane helped Kai back to the camp and Cole put his arm around Jays shoulders, grateful to have him back 'I missed you buddy' he said 'Now, are you going to give me a heads up before we get back to camp, so I can diffuse this bomb you're about to drop?'

Jay took a deep breath...'I think Nya was having some kind of affair with Lloyd...'

'Holy crap' Cole said.

'When she went to calm him, she kissed him... I saw, and...'


'I attacked him... I attacked Lloyd! But Nya had subdued him, he was calm... then I saw them kiss again and I just flew at him. It changed everything, he reverted back and, well, he just went super-nova'

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