25: Movin' On Up (edited)

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Jay stared at the doors of the ascending elevator; lightening sparking from his nervous fingers 'There can only be... what, 6 skeletons in one lift? They're pretty big' he said.

Kai narrowed his eyes and smiled; he considered that an easy fight 'Yeah, lets take them, I'm getting itchy and its not just my flaky skin'

'Man... Are you insane?' Cole answered back 'Get back into the elevator, we're going up' Cole pushed them forward.

'Wait!' said Zane 'its not stopped. It's... it's stopping at the floor above

'Well we can over take them' said Cole and continued to herd them forward, when the doors to the elevator began to creak open and the tips of white skeletal fingers scratched their way through, prising the doors apart.

'Too late' said Kai rubbing his hands with glee.

As the doors released a skeleton burst out followed by another and another 'What the hell?' Said Cole 'what happened to the floor above?'

The Skeleton Serpentine swung from the base of the elevator 'By the Masters!' Ronin shouted 'they held on to the elevator and dragged themselves up!'

'THAT is NOT how you use an elevator' Jay screamed as the skeletons scrabbled up the ladder of bones, fighting each other to get free of the shaft and reach their prey.

'RUSH THEM! PUSH THEM BACK DOWN' Ronin shouted as he ran full pelt at the bony troops with Nya, Kai and Crick barging forward. Cole held the blade forward as a battering ram and charged, the skeleton it struck shattered and Cole fell through the flying splinters into another.

Crick and Ronin had managed to push one back through the doors but without the power of the blade the Skeletons were tough to unbalance and they could not hold them back.

Kai was revelling in the carnage, his pent up anger releasing in the fight. He thrust his hand up through a skeletons jaw and into its skull, lighting it up like a torch, before ripping it off.

'Shit Kai?' Jay exclaimed, as he struggled against another skeleton.

'It was dead anyway' Kai muttered holding the flaming skull in his fist.

'Good point!' Jay replied trying to avoid a skeletons whipping tail. His nun-chuck was stuck between its collar-bone. Trying to untangle it he grabbed hold of the nun-chuck's other handle and brought it around the skeletons neck, yanked back sharply and the skull popped clean off. The body fell lifeless to the floor and Jay's weapon was released.

'NICE!' Kai yelled at Jay and wound his legs around the neck of another skeleton and rolled backward, snapping its neck and taking its head with him.

Cole was pounding the blade down onto the skeletons ascending the shaft but some still managed to writhe free 'Zane' Cole shouted 'Lets seal this sucker up' Zane fought forward to get to Cole who held his hand out and yelled 'Grab hold of me'

'How? I'm sorry but you are moving around too much' Zane yelled back as Cole continued the hammering one handed.

'TAKE IT' Cole growled urgently to Zane, who finally managed to lunge forward, to grab hold of Coles' hand. They both gripped tight and Zane leant back to stabilise Cole who closed his eyes to concentrate. Zanes' head dropped forward and Coles eyes snapped open as frost travelled up his arm and flashed forward into the blade. The force that exploded down into the elevator shaft crushed the spinning string of skeleton serpents to suspend them in the ice that expanded to fill the cavity and spat out of the opening, throwing Cole and Zane backwards. The connection between Cole and Zane was broken and they woke to see the result of Zane's power combined with the blade. The skeletons at the mouth of the shaft almost escaped; just the front half of their body's squirmed as they tried to claw free 'Put them out of their misery' Cole told Zane, who instantly completed the freeze around them, the sparks in their eyes flickering through the glistening tomb. Cole turned to see the fight in the lobby still raging and heard Ronin shouting 'the other shaft, seal them both!'

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