19: Campfire (edited)

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In the Samurai X cave Nya had assembled some of the larger pieces of the old armour on the scaffold and a new Mech was beginning take shape. The bodywork had lost its original sheen after years of neglect and the fine abrasive wind that had blown through the part open hanger door had worked its way into the closures making assembly difficult. The result was a worn and tired looking machine, that rather than strike fear into the hearts of its enemies, might just give them a good laugh before they pushed it over with one finger. Nya was hanging off of the main crane arm, about to kill herself for this rust bucket by trying to manually attach the hydraulics for the beasts left elbow and it wasn't behaving 'Nnnnngh! You piece of sh*...' She hit the circular attachment head, the thread having degraded to make it near impossible to turn. The ball bearings in the counter rotational element however, were near perfect, the thick lubricating grease having saved them from the slow rotting rust that spread across everything else. That was something at least, but pointless if you couldn't attach the bloody things together. She hit it again, gritted her teeth and held back a frustrated shout, so gave it the finger instead before dropping into a reverse roll gracefully to the floor.

Having woken from a nap, Ronin looked up from under his hat at Nya walking grumpily away from the Mech 'Whose winning?' he asked dryly.

Nya glared at him, hands on hips her face red and sweaty from exertion 'I never thought I would ever have to fight my own Mech!' she said, irritated.

'Well, you should have up-kept it. It's all very well this perfect buddy, buddy, team bubble you've been living in, but when it comes down to it you always have to look after number one'

'Oh come on Ronin, this is hardly a normal occurrence that's happening here'

'So when has your life ever been normal? It was kind of inevitable really... I'm just saying, with a little foresight, you could've saved yourself a heap of trouble'

'Well, it's a little late, but thanks for imparting your wisdom now!'

Ronin shrugged 'Sorry Nya, I just thought you were a bit smarter than this' he said, nodding towards the Mech, which groaned and creaked in seeming protest to being woken. He tipped his hat back over his eyes and settled back into his doze.

Nya closed her eyes and took a deep breath, Ronin was not helping her mood. Counting to ten was not going to calm her so she briskly walked out of the hanger and into the bright sunlight to release a frustrated shout.

Crick poked his head over the top of a rock to see what the noise was all about 'Nya? Are you feeling aright?'

'No, Crick. I'm really not' She looked back into the cave 'Building Mechs used to give me so much joy, but this is unbearable. All the components are degraded and completely unusable'

'I have something for you'

'Uh, you do?'

'Yes, I have a few things. Please come here, they are here' he indicated to his place behind the rock.

On a tarpaulin spread out on the ground, Crick had laid a cross section of mech components. He held two parts up to her 'here, try this'

Nya took the parts and put them together, twisting to lock them. The action was smooth enough and the satisfying 'thunk' sound it made as the parts closed securely sent a wave of excitement into her arms 'Crick! What kind of miracle have you performed?'

'No miracle' said Crick looking confused 'simple know how... When you know how'

'What?' Nya asked a look of bemused happiness on her face.

Crick ran his hands through the sand 'sand is destructive, but it is also delicate and versatile. You just need to know how to use it'.

'Well you are going to have to show me this miracle of serpentine DIY... How much have you managed to save?'

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