24: Reunion (edited)

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Samurai X and Rex approached Borg Tower 'you picking up the same readings as me Nya? Something odd. The base of the tower looks, kind of weird... is it moving?' Ronin asked.

'Nope nothing, I'm just coming into Borg Plaza now, why?'

Crick came on the comm's 'Turn around now Nya! It's the skeleton army'

'Uh...' Nya came to an abrupt halt 'too late' the horde of bones slid from the building and sped towards her. They tumbled over themselves trying to reach the one target they had a chance of overthrowing.

'Get out of there' Ronin shouted, but he could see she had planted her mech firmly in place and raised its fists 'Not a great time for a test fight Nya' he said with urgency in his voice. But she had activated the canons on the Mech and blasted through the first swathe of warriors. As they slid across the ground she focused the cannons into a fine high-powered jet that sliced across the prone skeletons, decapitating heads and separating limbs randomly as she moved her arms in a fluid arc across the floor. She crouched the weight of the great metal Samurai down onto the bones beneath her. As they crunched and splintered, the second line lost their heads to her swift adjustment, popping from their shoulders comically.

'YES!' Shouted Crick through the comm's.

'Why thank you Crick. Your water blade idea works great!' she replied, as another row of heads popped from the snakes bodies 'Very clean' Nya began her move forward to receive her enthusiastic attackers who were too brainless to stop their approach.

In the Tower, the team had ridden the first stage of the elevator and walked out onto the 20thfloor to see Rex hovering in the sky outside.

'It's Ronin' Jay exclaimed as he ran to the window. They all followed and peered down to see what he was hovering above 'Samurai X! Nya's here. What the hell is she doing? Get out of there Nya there's too many' Jay screeched as he bashed the window.

'Nya' Ronin barked through the comms 'there's a whole other battalion entering the plaza behind and the units from around the building are swarming to your location. This might be a good time to get out of there'

'What? Just when I'm having some fun?'

'NYA!' Ronin growled at her.

'Oh fine' Nya pulsed a blast from her jet pack and leapt up to the roof of an office block. Looking across to the tower, just visible through the tinted glass she could see the figures of her teammates jumping and cheering her. She let out a scream and jumped and waved back to them, all thoughts of why she had abandoned them gone from her mind. They were here and alive and she missed them so much. As she stopped she saw Jay; hands against the glass, motionless and she remembered. She raised her hand again to signal that she could see him when a tremor rocked the plaza. The Mech staggered and Nya looked over the side of the building to see the perfectly paved floor of the plaza erupt as a Serpentine burrowing Mech ground its way up into the world.

'Oh crap' said Ronin 'that ain't good, it'll get through the glass no trouble'

'I can take it' Nya replied moving to the roofs ledge ready to leap.

'And then the horde will take you! You're going nowhere!'

Nya hovered, thinking her move through 'Ronin, if I don't stop it, the horde will over-run the tower. The Team is in there'

'It's a law of averages sweetheart; four of them, five serpentine warriors and a big-ass tower to hide in... or one of you. Don't do it'

'We just need to extract them from the tower. There's the high level hanger we should be able to get in there. Can you make contact with them?'

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