16: The Day of the Departed (edited)

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Nya walked at a brisk pace away from the city.

'Stop, ninja... Stop. Where are you going?

'What do you care snake?'

'I was sent to find you and find you I have. I must take you back'

'I can guarantee that I won't be welcome' she shouted back and then mumbled 'not after Jay tells them what happened' She stopped, just saying Jay's name made her feel sick. How long had they been together? Years... 7 years. All those years, growing up together, being friends and then more. All wasted. His face was etched on her mind. His look of pain and scorn was all because of her actions.

The serpent had caught her up 'I cannot leave you Ninja, you are my responsibility'

'If only you'd been around yesterday, you may have kept me on the right road to begin with, then all this wouldn't have happened'

'...ummm, I am not sure I can even keep you on the right road now ninja, because you are not doing as I ask'

'Phttt. Excuses!' Nya swiped her hand in the air and carried on. She felt like crap to her core. If the snake kept following her, he would keep getting abused, so if he knew what was good for him he'd get lost 'Still following me are you?'

'I am... For my sinsss'

'Huh... Well you can join me in hell then!'

Nya continued her walk out of the city and into the barren landscape to the South. The Serpent followed, a begrudged silence between them, until after hours of silence Nya cracked first 'what's your name snake?'


'Crick. You're Constrictai, right?' The serpent nodded 'If I annoy you enough, will you kill me? Squeeze me to death in my sleep?'

Crick rolled his eyes 'So, what you do, makes you talk like this? Why you want to die? Why you going to hell?'

'Don't be shy Crick, ask away...'

'...I just did!'

'Good lord! You Constrictai are pretty straight' Crick looked blank. Nya sighed and begrudgingly began her explanation 'I messed up. And so did the High Council actually'

'Well I don't believe this. You, yes. High Council, no'

'You better believe it buddy. They took Pythor at his word and told me to... do something I didn't want to'

Crick looked taken aback 'What was the thing?'

'... uh. Well it was... a kiss'

'A kiss? That's it? You didn't want to kiss a person. It was a person, yes?'

'Well it wasn't a frog! Yes, it was a person and I didn't... and did want to kiss them'

'Well if you did want to kiss them, then it is not our fault'

'God you're unbearable. Are all Constrictai like you?'

'No, not all like me. I am very special'

'You can say that again' Nya said sarcastically. She continued walking, they were deep into the desert now and by her reckoning they would soon be at the cave. As they rounded the butte she turned to Crick 'Would you mind waiting here?'

He gave her a sly look 'Can I trust you ninja?'

'Of course you can trust me Crick. I seem to be hotwired to do what you snakes tell me'

'Ok. Ten minutes. I come find you'

'Fine' Nya huffed and set off. The entrance to the cave was ahead. It had been a long time since she had been here. There had been no need. Now it was the only place she could go. Having left Crick settling down in a warm spot on a rock, she walked around the side of the butte and disappeared from sight.

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