29: The Descent (edited)

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'I have every faith in this plan Nya' Misako said pulling Nya aside 'but as Zane said, there's always an outside influence or an un-foreseen. If something should cause the Devourer to escape, we need to secure the Golden Armour'

'You're right Misako, we can't take any chances. For the future of Ninjago only Lloyd can be allowed to merge with the armour, but lets make that a certainty. Can you and um... Wu, be responsible for the Armour?'

Misako nodded 'Of course'

'You need to get in to the lab, grab it and then don't let it out of your sight. In-fact, remove it to the jet and take it for a spin, don't come back until we know, for sure, that the devourer is contained'

'I'll help with that' Ronin said, having crept up behind them.

'Uh, Ronin? Not to sound rude or anything, but you're not getting any ideas are you?'

'Nya, after all we've shared, you still don't trust me?'

'It's the long game Ronin... I love you, but somehow I'll never trust you'

'Misako, Wu? You want a hand or not?'

'We would appreciate it very much Ronin'

Ronin raised an eyebrow at Nya 'see, I am trusted'

'I didn't say that Ronin' Misako added.

'Hrmph. Whatever... I'll get the jet ready' Ronin, turned and slunk off.

Nya sighed and jogged after him 'Ronin!' he stopped and turned back, looking disgruntled.

'C'mon man?' Nya appealed 'That's a shit load of gold you're gonna be hauling and you're seriously telling me you haven't considered the possibility of... you know, absconding?'

'Well, yeah, of course! It's all I ever think about. But y'know, it doesn't mean I'm gonna do it...' Ronin glanced furtively around 'Unless... You want in?'

'...and there's the Ronin I know and love' Nya punched him on the arm and he laughed loudly 'Oh my Masters!' Nya laughed with him 'No wonder I can't trust you, I never know if your joking or not!' She gave him another shove.

Ronin contained his laughter to look seriously at Nya 'I'm proud of you sweet heart; I wouldn't do anything to harm you. Know that, ok? If that armour means your future happiness... or whatever... with Lloyd. I will guard it with my life'

'Well ok then' Nya began to imagine that she could trust him after all and he had Crick now, he would keep Ronin in check 'Misako can get the jet ready; you can grab the armour. Zane's going in'

The Ninja and the Serpentine Warriors gathered around the ice that plugged the entrance to the Lab and Kai stood directly before it, his arms extended wide. A throw from the lounge sofa had been wrapped around his waist to save his modesty and Zane had donated his belt to hold it up.

Kai concentrated, gauging the solid, craggy ice that shouted out of the door. He needed to melt the ice instantly if they wanted to surprise the Devourer. They had to ensure the entity was on edge, making it act not think. This kind of focussed intense heat would have been impossible just minutes ago and the fact he was standing there now was proof that the Blade really was the good shit. But still he was nervous, because this could not go wrong; nothing in this crazy plan could and he was not going to be the one to derail it before it had even started.

He felt the heat rise with his temper, a searing wave that filled him up and pushed at his skin from inside and Wu's final words came back to him clearly, in dark times, trust in your soul,and Kai willed the heat to behave. The impetuous push at his skin stopped. He felt a well grow deep in his core that swelled and filled him up and when he could hold on to it no longer, he looked deep into the glacier and placed it there. The effect was instantaneous and the melt washed towards them, Nya parted the flow as Zane shot into the Lab and the Great Devourer leapt at him, pinning his arms and feet. With his head thrown back the team watched as Zane breathed the smoky tendrils into his mouth and the Devourer seeped into his damaged head and leg.

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