2: Fight Club (edited)

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'Ok. As usual, three long, three short' said Kai, chewing on half a gummy worm; the other half of which, he grasped in his fist with 5 others.

The team each went to grab a floppy worm from Kai's clenched fist.

'This is truly unsanitary' said Cole 'Surely, we should keep a box of matches for this kind of thing?'

'Matches don't taste so good dude!' Kai joked.

Cole sighed 'If you keep plundering my goody supply I'll run out and without any sustenance I'll flag and and it won't be a fair fight'

'It's for your own good. Just think how much you'll save on dental care!'

'Hrrmph. My teeth are no concern of yours and anyway they're rock hard, nothing will erode them'

Kai rolled his eyes 'What we got then?' he asked his friends.






'And I'm Short' said Kai

'Phttt... Well I say, 'Get shorty' Jay said gathering Zane and Lloyd into a team huddle 'Thanks for the candy Cole, hope you don't flag...'

'Plenty more where that came from... Don't think I didn't hold the best stuff back for ma team!' said Cole who high fived Nya and Kai.

'I knew you were holding out on us man' Kai said, who with Nya chewed on gummy worms and stood arms folded like they meant all kinds of business.

'Bring it...' said Zane, then turned to Lloyd and whispered 'is that what you say?'

'Yes Zane' said Lloyd, trying not to laugh 'a little more attitude and that's perfect fight club banter'

Zane lowered his chin and shot Kai's team an icy glare... 'BRING IT'

'Perfect' said Lloyd with surprise.

Nya could no longer hold the pretence of psyching out the opposition and fell about in hysterics at Zane's attempt at badass-ary 'Ok right!' She attempted to compose herself 'Team Awesome, that's us, and Team Doofus... definitely you lot, welcome to the first official meeting of Ninja Fight Club' She punched an access code into a wall panel which opened the strengthened metal doors of the simulator room. Jay slipped his arm around Nya's shoulder as they walked into the room but she shoved it off 'I don't fraternise with the enemy'.

'You won't be saying that later' he whispered 'conquering armies always get their way!'

Nya glanced at Jay coquettishly 'I'll remember that when Team Awesome is victorious, I'm sure I could come up with many things to demand of you...'

'Hmmm' Jay considered 'this could be a win-win situation, I think'

'Well that depends...' Nya said as she continued into the room 'I do have a lot of chores that I haven't done yet'

'... That wasn't what I had in mind' Jay mused as he followed her.

'You know we can hear you?' Kai said as he walked past them.

Nya shoved Jay away and the two teams ran to the centre of the cavernous room. Housed in the basement of Borg Industries, the simulator room took up almost the entire footprint of the base of the tower. 'Is this actually safe?' said Cole 'I wouldn't want to bring the building down on our heads'

'Its safer than training anywhere else' said Nya 'Borg is beyond a Genius, so don't worry about it'

There was not one straight surface inside the space. The walls were softly formed with tiny flexible panels covering every surface. The team span around to see the environment flex and undulate around them, as if the room itself were breathing.

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