27: Ties That Bind (edited)

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'NO! JAY!' Nya screamed and fell forward to the gaping hole in the floor as a green flash sped past her 'Lloyd' she gasped.

Ronin had slipped over the edge, narrowly escaping being dragged into the hole and was hanging to a contorted piece of metal. Nya scrabbled over and threw her hands to him to try and drag him up to safety. Zane ran around to her and grabbed hold of Ronin too and they pulled him up. They watched Cole and Kai hit subsequent floors and continue to fall, but they could not see Jay. The dust and debris obscured the view until all they could see was the pulse of Lloyds' green light and all they could hear was the sound of smashing floors.

Nya sat back on her heals and felt Misako place a hand on her shoulder. She looked up at her and felt something was off, a movement or an aura? Was it the dust? Nya blinked 'Misako?' Misako looked back at her, worry etched on her face. Nya was mistaken and reproached herself for seeing ghosts in her moment of fear and turned back to watch the dust below pulse with green light.

Lloyd shot through the crumbling layers of the building, his vaporous form streaking down into the dark. Great slabs of rubble fell through him and curls of his amorphous mass split and spiralled away. He was used to his form now, it didn't hurt and the pieces would quickly catch up with the whole as if drawn by a magnet; it just felt like he had misplaced something momentarily.

Power cables sparked and water burst from pipes and he saw Jay, unconscious on a sloping floor. Water was flooding down around him and combined with the dirt and grit to create a creeping landslide. Lloyd rushed to Jay to try and stop the slide. He draped every particle around him and glided over scrapes and cuts; gashes, deep and bleeding 'He's alive... No breaks, a couple of fractures... maybe I can move him, it's too precarious here, I've got to get him out' Jay's unconscious body slipped some more and Lloyd tried with all his will to hold on. He had developed his solidity skills, but this was too much 'give me Nya's hand and a sunny day over this any time' he said to himself then looked at Jay unconscious 'sorry dude, that was uncalled for... what am I thinking? Even if you were awake you couldn't hear me! I can't even call for help' He looked up through the levels and back down at the precarious state of their perch that groaned and creaked'there's no time'

Borg emerged from the Lab, robotic legs strong but his body weak and dizzy from being possessed by the Great Devourer. He looked at his watch, and a confused look passed across his face as he looked up at Nya and Misako 'Wu?'

Nya stared at him. Obviously Borg had sustained some kind of concussion and turned to Misako 'We should get him away from here, he's delirious' but Misako was smiling at Borg in a particular way that made Nya stop. She threw her hand to her mouth and fell back, tripping and landing hard on the floor.

Misako held out her hand to help her up "Come now Nya. Better to be possessed by a friend than a foe?"

'But, but... You're dead!'

Wu acknowledged this fact with a subtle tilt of Misako's head  "Indeed, my body has passed. But as you have experienced, ghosts and energy prevail and here I am again"

'So... did you find enlightenment?' Nya asked, remembering Wu's words at the time of his demise.

"Sadly no, my body just died on me" Misako chuckled as only Wu could.

'Does Lloyd know? Does Misako for that matter?'

"Yes and..." 'Yes' the voice that spoke changed it's intonation; from Wu, to Misako 'We are cohabiting' Misako replied.

Nya continued to stare 'I... well, I'm very happy for you. You two should have shacked up a long time ago' Misako smiled and blushed slightly.

Borg came over to them flustered 'The Great Devourer knows the power of the Golden Weapons. It see's the potential of The Golden Armour and would merge with it, to solidify its form from within. The Gold must become molten to reawaken the life in the element, allowing the spectre to merge and create a form'

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