Kitty Kiss

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"Is that—?"

"Shhh, you're gonna wake him up!" Alex whispered/shouted.

"Why the fuck do you have a cat in your arms?"

Alex rolled his eyes at John.

"It's a kitten, not a cat. I found him walking on the park." He smiled at the  purring fluffy creature.

"That thing must have parasites, put him the hell down."

"First of, his name is Sushi," Alex sassed. "And secondly, can you please stop cursing around him, he's a baby."

"Alex, he's a cat."

"Your point is?" He scoffed boringly.

"I won't stop. It's stupid."

"You're stupid."

"Thank you, it's a talent." John spat. "That thing doesn't even understand what's happening, I bet you—"

Already tired of it, Alex tiptoed and kissed John fully on the lips. A mere peck, but enough to shut him up.

"You done? Yeah? Okay, so now please apologize to Sushi." Alex commanded.

Looking blankly at some place in space, John took the woken kitten from Alex's arms, kissed his head and mumbled.

"Sorry Sushi, you're the best."

Alex looked at him weirdly and slightly worried.

"What has gotten into you?"

"Huh?" John said absently.

"Pffff whatever. Okay so now, you're officially his parent."

John's last working neurons clicked.

"What? What do you mean?"

"We're his parents, John."

"What? Why?! I never accepted being no one's dad!"

"Kissed his forehead, it's like signing an adoption paper. But like, in cat language."

"What the —" Alex glared at John. "What is wrong with you?"

"Nothing, now come on, we've gotta go baby shopping." Alex started walking, kinda letting John behind. "Why do we mom's are always the ones worrying about everything? Jesus! it's exhausting to be the head of this family, I don't even.... "

John blinked several times.

"Alex wait!" He rushed, trying to catch on him. He did.

"Let's go!"

"Wait Alex, what do you mean by 'we moms'?,— Alex stop walking so fucking fast! —Yo, wait if I do accept parenthood, can I get more kisses? Alex? Alex!"


Hey guys. Only three days left of finals and I'm going to be completely yours.

Love you, thanks for the patience. ❤

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