Both you and Levi swung around the titan, trying to gain momentum in order to be able to strike the nape of its neck. Within seconds, the Titan realized it was under attack and quickly started to swat you and Levi away. On the whole, titans were clumsy and lacked reflex time but it was already clear this one was quick.

But you and Levi were faster.

As a giant hand came careening in your direction, you adjusted your speed and dodged it just in time. You kicked off the forearm of the Titan and continued to wrap yourself around it even though it was still running through the small town. Levi made a blade strike along the left shoulder of the Titan to render his arm useless. The strike caused blood to spray over his clothes and face and you distinctly heard Levi click his tongue in annoyance. Even in the midst of your own blade strike on the other shoulder, you laughed, knowing full well how much Levi hated being dirty.

Many soldiers have seen you two in action and all of them were blown away at your seamless movements between each other. Most soldiers would collide into each other pulling off the moves you both did and so it was always impressive to watch you two at work. It's been said that the way you two move in midair is like some strange, yet beautiful art form.

"Achilles'!" you heard Levi shout. That was enough for you to know he wanted to finish this Titan off. With a nod, you spun around in midair and shot your iron cables into the backside of the titan, who was still running but now through a flat expanse of ground.

You and Levi spun around the legs, the both of you flying past each other with only a foot in distance from the other. Simultaneously, the pair of you struck the giant's Achilles' tendons, spattering blood everywhere. With the loss of both vital tendons, the Titan fell forward on its front, unable to stop the fall since its arms lacked mobility.

"Piece of cake!" you cried, pumping the air with your fist in midair.

Levi snorted as he landed on the back of the titan and turned to you. He was going to let you finish the Titan off when his eyes widened.

"(F/N)!!" shouted Levi, obviously distressed. "YOUR RIGHT!!"

But it was too late; you glanced in the direction he screamed only to find a Titan hand careening towards you. The only time you had was adjust your position so that you would be hit mostly in your lower half instead of your torso and head.

The pain that exploded in your body was massive and you automatically let out a loud groan of pain. Although it hurt, you managed to keep the second titan's fingers from wrapping around you by slicing them off mid hit. However, you were sent flying to the ground below instead. Instinctively, you shot your cables out to the tree you were about to hit, despite your blackening vision, but only one cable made purchase. You used some of the shaky momentum to swing around it and create a slightly softer landing on the grass.

There was definitely a sickening snap that occurred as you landed, white hot pain shooting through your body again as you rolled to a heavy stop. You realized how bad this must of looked; that blow was something a recruit could have avoided yet you let your guard down for a second too long and paid for it.

You stared up at the sky with a blank expression, aware of the darkness that was coming over you. You tried to focus on Levi's distant but enraged battle cries, vaguely surprised that he was so furious. He never loses his cool in combat. You couldn't see him, but you could imagine the terrifying look on his face right about now. The thought made you smile to yourself.

He is going to be so pissed, you mused as you made zero attempts to get up. There was an unmistakeable rumble of the earth but you couldn't figure out why it was shaking; thinking required too much effort. You suddenly were so tired. You just wanted to sleep forever.

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