"That's true, I thought it was weird. But there are so many books that have werewolves and such but nothing is close to how actual wolf packs function."

"Yeah, I know that it annoys people but we're still human at our cores even if we do share our form with a wolf counterpart. Humans are notorious for evolving in order to survive."

I let out a hum and we continue to sit on the floor, people come in and out. Some of them give me a glance but otherwise everyone is busy with something.

"Everyone seems really busy," I note.

Lilith nods, "Yeah, we're trying to track down the rogues before they hurt someone. Usually when they form packs they wouldn't be so still like this, they'd terrorise a town and kill without mercy until the closet pack would come to step in."

"How many Packs are there out there?"

She thinks for a moment tilting her head, "Maybe thirty or so. There are lots of shifters out there with prides or skulks and such but wolves are the largest Shifter community. At least to the current knowledge."

"Are they situated everywhere around the world?"

"Of course, I mean depending on the animal kind of depends on where the shifters will be situated. But sometimes like our pack our ancestors moved around before settling in a certain place. It's very rare for a group of shifters to move now due to the ever growing population of humans."

"So humans outnumber supernatural creatures?"

She nods, "Yeah I'm not sure the actual figure but along the lines of twelve to one. It use to be more of an even number but with time supernatural beings like us have lowered in numbers and humans have just continued to grow."

"That's scary," I mumble.

"It is, but shit happens. Now my ass is getting numb do you want a tour of the house?"

"Kay..." I agree standing up, mostly because my butt was going numb too.

First she takes me to the next section which is the dinning room with a nice fancy table and then into the kitchen. Its on the larger side with a big oven, stove and fridge and plenty of bench space. Some dishes are stacked beside the sink and some bits and pieces scattered everywhere. Next she takes me up stairs to all the bed rooms, we left my bag downstairs but she points at the room I'll stay while things get sorted.

The room is painted a light yellow as much rooms are and done in mostly neutral colours and only has a bed, a bedside draw and a decently sized wooden closet in the corner. Most of the rooms are similar to that one since they're guest rooms, this is the Beta house so if people don't want to sleep in the Alpha's house, which is next door, they'll come here.

Being a pack Lil explained that sometimes people feel the need to be closer to the leaders of the pack. Especially teens who've fought with their parents or other situations. Apparently, the Alpha house has more spare rooms in case of peace meetings or other pack meetings.

After all that the two of us go to sit down on the couch, she specifically puts me beside Dean who was on the couch with Logan and Fang. I look at the two of them but decide it's been a long day and I don't particularly want to open that can of worms yet.

"So Alex how are you doing?" Logan asks me leaning forward to see me.

"I have a sense of déjà vu, I'm alright. Shit happens."

"Shit happens as in you get bitten by a Wolf and find out that you might die in a few days. Just a normal day right?"

"Yep. Being serious though, it's not like I can change anything, we'll just have to see how things turn out. Beside panicking isn't really my thing."

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