Rhythm of the Night (Emily's POV)

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I had to admit, as fun as this all was, I'm glad the wedding's over. It took a long time to plan, but it was honestly so worth it. Because of all of that planning, I'm now married to the love of my life, and what Jack said as he kissed me made me love all of this even more. I could definitely get used to the sound of Mrs. Barakat now. 

"I'm so happy," Jack took me into his arms unexpectedly. 

"I am too," I smiled into his chest. 

"I've officially got the love of my life," he said.

"You know I wasn't planning on leaving anytime soon," I chuckled. "Or ever, for the matter."

"I know, but you get what I mean," he laughed, taking my hand as he let go of me, then walking towards the building we got ready in.

I chuckled at him, then we walked into the building. As much as I loved this dress, I didn't want to wear it all night. I had a nice, light, pretty dress that I changed into while Jack changed out of his suit and got into a dress pair of pants, along with a nice blue button-down shirt. As soon as the both of us finished, we made our way back outside and met with Pete, Patrick, Jaimee, Brendon, Dallon, Joe, Andy, Tyler, And Josh. Honestly, there was probably more, but I forget. When you've got a big "family" like I do, it's hard to remember everyone.

"Ah! There they are!" Brendon shouted as Jack and I walked out of the building, hand in hand.

"Hey guys," I laughed.

"How does it feel to be Mrs. Barakat now?" Dallon asked, making a smile creep onto my face and also making me blush. "I'll take that blush as a good thing."

"Shut up!" I laughed, hitting his shoulder.

"Hey, you know I'm happy for you," he smiled. "But you're always going to be my little munchkin."

"And I'll always remember that," I smiled, then hugged him.

"And Jack?" Pete chimed in from behind me. 

"Yeah?" Jack asked, chuckling a little.

"You'd better treat my little girl like a queen," Pete said. 

"I will, you know that. I wouldn't want to hurt Em in any way whatsoever," Jack said, pulling me closer to him. "She means the world to me. I wouldn't want anyone else to call my wife."

I hugged Jack tightly, then looked at Pete and Patrick as I hugged him. They gave Jack a smile, then nodded their heads. It's not like they didn't approve of him before, but after hearing that, I'm sure they were really sure that they had allowed Jack to make the right choice. I know I definitely made the right choice. I wouldn't want to call anyone else my husband. Jack's my one and only. (AN: one and lonely oops had to)

"Well, we should probably clean up, get changed, then grab our things and head to the reception. It starts in an hour anyway," Patrick said.

"Good idea," I agreed, kind of mentally freaking out because I wasn't aware that that's what time it was already. 

All of us - however meany of us there were, geez - made our way back into the building we all got ready in, then the people who hadn't changed yet, changed, then we all grabbed our clothes and other things that needed to be cleaned up and went out to our vehicles. The reception was being held at the same location, just in the main building in the basement. I know a basement doesn't sound like a good place, but that's what this basement was made for. It was actually very nice and there was so much room for everything we needed in there.

After we had all grabbed everything and got to our vehicles, we hopped in and drove back to mine and Jack's place. Well, Jack, Jaimee, Sarah, Breezy, Zack, Rian, Alex, and I drove to our house. Everyone else went over to Pete and Patrick's place. They were all bring their dress clothes back over there so Pete and Patrick could bring it all back to the rental place. None of them - to our surprise, obviously - had suits of any sort, so they literally all rented tuxes. It was kind of funny, actually. The girls and groomsmen came with us and we said we'd return the groomsmens' tuxes. The girls obviously were keeping their dresses, but they wanted to get out of them and change into more comfortable dressy clothes, which was totally understandable, since Jack and I did as well.

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