This Woman Is My Destiny (Jack's POV)

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Today is finally the day. Em and I are finally able to find out the gender of our twins. I really don't think either of us could be more excited than we are right now. I know I'm about to explode from excitement. Up to this point, things have been great. Emily's obviously gotten bigger since our first ultrasound, but she's still managing to do everything she used to do. I swear, this woman never ceases to amaze me. She'll get up and go do something, I'll ask her if she needs help, she'll say no, then I'll get up and help her anyway. She always makes me go sit down, but then I get right back up and help her. I don't want her straining herself too much. We can't afford anything bad happening again.

"You ready, babe?" I asked Emily as I peeked my head into our room.

"Yeah," she sighed as she smiled. "Let's go find out the genders of our babies."

I never got tired of hearing those words: our babies. Em and I are bringing two new, amazing, wonderful babies into this world together. I'm not doubting the fact that raising two babies at the same time will be hard, but I know Emily and I can handle it. These kids are going to have the best life we can possibly give them. I already love them so much, but I know that once I see them, I'll love them even more. After all, it's proven that a woman falls in love with her baby when she gets pregnant, but a man falls in love with his baby after he sees it for the first time..

"You know what I can't wait for?" I asked Em as her and I hopped into the vehicle.

"What, babe?" she asked.

"I can't wait to wake up in the middle of the night and take care of our kids, I can't wait to pick them up in my arms and tickle them, kiss them, and hug them. I can't wait to wake up early in the morning and hold them in my arms while I make you breakfast, I can't wait to chase them around our house when they learn to walk, and speaking of that, I can't wait to see them take their first steps. I can't wait to see them crawl for the first time even! And think about when they start talking! Em, that's going to be adorable! Just imagine when we're laying in bed in the morning, then we hear these little footsteps come into our room, then the kids jump up on the bed and wake us up. Emily, I can't wait for that! I can't wait for all those early Saturday mornings, getting up with the kids, then going downstairs and watching cartoons all morning. I really can't," I explained. "Emily, words cannot describe how excited I am for these kids. I already love them so, so much, but I know I'll fall even more in love when I see them for the first time. It's kind of like what happened with you. When we first met, I loved you, didn't think I could love you anymore than that, but when we got married, Em, I found a whole lot more love to give to you. I'm going to love our kids just as much as I love you."

"Jack," she smiled at me. "You're going to make me cry!" she laughed. "But you're so right. I never thought I could get so much joy from something like this. I've always said I've wanted kids, but I never thought I'd be this incredibly excited about it."

"Same here, but it seems like it's all falling into place, and I couldn't be happier about it all," I smiled.

"Me either," she smiled at me as she took hold of my hand. 

I drove the few more minutes to the doctor's office, then we walked into the building. We let the lady behind the desk know that we were there, like last time, then went and sat down after she said she'd let the doctor know that we were here. I instantly took Emily's hand again once we sat down, then I basically started going gaga - no pun intended - over all the baby things again.

"If we have a girl, I'm going to buy her tutus, little bows, and frilly pink things and dress her in them. Her room's going to be all pink and girly too! I'm going to do her hair in the mornings and put little flower clips in it, then do little pigtails too! I'm going to take little pictures with her all the time and spoil her so much!" I basically sounded like a fan-girl.

Me and You Against the World (Book Five in the Peterick Mpreg Series)Where stories live. Discover now