Sleeping With A Friend (Jack's POV)

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"I have arrived!" Emily shouted as she walked through the front door with bags of Hot Topic in her hands, scaring the absolute crap out of me.

"Geez!" I laughed as I put my hand on my chest. "I'm glad you're back."

"Me too," she smiled, then kissed me. "Have fun all by yourself?"

"I was so bored!" I stated. "I should have come with."

"Ha, what'd I tell ya?" she smirked.

"I know, I know," I laughed as she wrapped her arms around me. "So, how was Jaimee and everyone?"

"Great!" Emily smiled. "and Pete and Patrick told Jaim and I some news."

"What was it?" I asked.

"Lets just say that there's another little stump on the way," she smirked.

"They're expecting again?!" I asked, smiling.

"Yup! I'm so excited!" she laughed.

"That's awesome!" I said.

"Yeah, it's been a fun day. Went shopping with Jaim, came home with Italian, Jaimee and I goofed around up in her room, which consisted of us yelling, screaming, and dancing, then we came downstairs and Pete and Patrick told us the news," she laughed. "Then we all went over to Joe and Andy's place to tell them, and to get Ethan."

"Sounds productive," I said.

"Very," she smiled.

"So, question," I said.

"Yes?" she asked.

"What'd you need to talk to me about before you so rudely left me sitting in our room?" I smirked.

"Oh," she bit her lip. "I have some good news of my own."

"And that is?" I asked.

"First off," she smirked again. "do you wanna be a daddy?"

"Oh my god," I said. "A-Are you?"

"Yes," she smiled.

"Emily!" I smiled uncontrollably as I picked her up in my arms and spun her around, making her wrap her arms around me and laugh. "You're pregnant!"

"Yes!" she smiled as I finally put her down. "I literally just found out this afternoon."

"Did you go to the doctors?" I asked.

"No," she laughed. "It's a funny story actually."

"Do tell," I smiled, leading her over to the couch finally.

"Well, after Jaim and I finished going to the main stores we always go to, I said I had to go to Shopko. After must resistance from Jaim, we got there and I made my way to the pharmacy area. She joked and asked me of I needed condoms, which made me laugh as I grabbed a pregnancy test off the shelf. She freaking out - in a good way - then we basically went home, ate, and talked to Pete and Patrick, then Jaimee dragged me up to her room. Even though we both knew that its best to take the pregnancy test in the morning, she convinced me to do it then. So I did, and there were two little red lines! I ran out of my room and into hers. I decided to have a little fun, so I got a sad look on my face, then she asked if it was negative. I said yeah, then she said that there's always next time. I said that there doesn't have to be a next time because I'm pregnant! She called me a little shit, then the rest is history," she explained, laughing towards the end.

"I'm so happy!" I smiled at her again and I wrapped my arms around her. "and thank you for telling me this time."

"I didn't want to risk it again," she said. "but now all we need to focus on is us and our growing family."

"You can say that again," I smiled, she smiled. "God," I sighed. "Em, we're going to have a baby! Babe, we're going to be parents!"

"I'm so excited!" she laughed as I stood her up and pulled her into my arms again.

"You've got a little baby growing inside of you," I chuckled into her ear.

"I do," she smiled as she pulled off of me and rested her hands on her stomach.

"A little baby," I smiled, resting my hands on hers. "Our little baby."

"Ours," she smiled.

"You're still going to be the best mom ever!" I laughed as I picked her up in my arms and spun her around again.

"And you're going to be the best dad," she laughed as I spun her.

"We'll be the best parents," I smiled.

I soon put her down, then we curled up together on the couch. I was surprised that she said she was pregnant, but I'm also so happy she told me this time. This is by far one of the best days of my life, the first being our wedding day. She's all I've ever wanted in life, and now that I have her, I feel complete. I feel whole! She's my everything, and now she's pregnant. She's carrying a child her and I made together. A little human with our DNA is inside of her! I couldn't be happier right now. Wait until I tell the guys!

"I'm so happy," I laughed out of no where.

"Geez, scared me," she laughed. "Really?"

"Yes," I smiled. "I can't stop smiling. I'm so excited!"

"I am too," she smiled. "Best dad ever."

"Best mom ever," I chuckled as I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer again.

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