We Don't Fight Fair (Jaimee's POV)

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"When's daddy getting home?" I asked Patrick as he hung up the phone from talking to Joe. 

"I don't know, baby," he sighed, sitting down on the love seat. "He's probably still at Emily and Jack's place, talking to Jack."

"Think it's going well?" I asked.

"I hope," he said.

"Me too," I sighed as I draped myself over Nick's legs, making him chuckle at me.

He rested his hand on my head and played with my hair. The three of us stayed that was for at least another hour. We just sat in the living room, watching some stupid show on tv. Patrick wasn't really paying attention though. He get zoning out, just staring at his laptop that was open on his lap, or just staring at the tv. He was beginning to worry me, honestly, but I tried to not let it bother me too much. We're all a little on edge right now with everything going on, but we're all also trying to stay strong. 

Just seeing Emily, my best friend, like this kills me. Her and I are so close, it hurts, so when she hurts, I hurt. I wish I could just take this all away from her and put it on me. I'd do anything to protect her from anything. I'm pretty pissed off at Jack too. What gave him the right to yell at Em? When she told me everything that happened, I basically got like Pete and wanted to go over to Jack and kill him. It made me so mad.

"Hey, daddy, do you want me to go check on Em?" I asked.

"No, just leave her for now. She's probably sleeping," Patrick sighed. "Maybe you can check on her in a little bit, or when Pete gets home."

"Alright, you're just worrying me and I want to make you feel better," I said.

"I'm sorry, baby girl, there's just a lot on my mind right now," he said.

I gave him a saddened look, then turned over and wrapped my arms around Nick, who smiled and pulled me closer. He knew I was upset and scared, so he was there for me. He was supposed to go home earlier today, but with everything that happened, he called his mom and she said he could stay. Patrick said he could stay the night again if he wanted to too. I'm hoping he will because I need him right now.

"Jaim?" Patrick asked after another half hour. 

"Yeah?" I turned around and asked.

"Can you please go check on Em now? Please?" Patrick asked.

"Yeah," I smiled as I got up.

I ran up the stairs and stopped at Emily's door. I didn't bother knocking in case she was sleeping, so I gently opened the door and looked inside. Her bed was empty, so then I looked towards the bathroom door. It was closed, so I sighed and walked to it. 

"Em?" I gently knocked on the door. There was no answer. "Emily?" I asked again, still no answer.

My heart started to race and I knocked on the door again, louder and harder this time. There was still no answer. I tried jiggling the door knob, but the door was locked. That's when I started getting really scared. I kepy trying to jiggle the door knob, looking downward in the process. That's when I pulled away from the door and stood there, motionless. Under the door, there was a small puddle of blood. 


(Patrick's POV)


"Hey, I'm back," Pete walked through the door, closing it behind him.

"Hey," I smiled, walking over to him. "How'd it go?"

"Good, actually," he said. "And for your information, I didn't get too out of hand."

"Atta boy," I smirked, then kissed him.

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