And The Best Part Is (Emily's POV)

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"Hey baby," Jack peeked his head into our room. "How are you feeling today?"

"Fine, as of right now," I chuckled.

"Call if you need anything?" he said.

"I promise," I smiled.

"Okay, then I'm going to head out and bring Ethan back to Pete and Patrick. I'm only a phone call away," he said.

"Have fun!" I said.

Jack smiled at me, then walked out of the room. Today was the start of my thirty-eighth week. Honestly, I was as surprised as my doctor when I said I was already this far alone - and the babies hadn't been born yet. It's not like some women can't keep twins in this long, it's just that it's a little surprising. I'm not complaining though. Anything to keep these babies in for as long as possible, I'll do it.

And as far as I know, Pete's been doing fine too! Patrick called me the other day and told me about the picture Pete had painted for Jackson's room. I thought that was so cool and sweet, of course. Pete always thinks of those little things. But all in all, I'm sure little Jackson is going to be right at home in his room.

But, as much as I'm loving this whole pregnancy thing, I do have to say one thing: bed rest sucks. I thought it wasn't going to be as bad as I thought, but me - someone who's always moving around and doing something - cannot handle this. I've been getting up and doing things for more than two hours a day, much to Jack's disapproval. He understands, he's just not happy about it. But, I'm already thirty eight weeks, so really, if I were to have these babies tomorrow even, I think they'd be okay. 

Although, for the past few days, there's been this heaviness in my pelvis. It doesn't hurt, it's just more uncomfortable than anything. There isn't as much pressure near my rib cage, so it's been easier for me to breathe and everything, which is definitely much better. I'm not thinking much of it though, nor have I told Jack anything that I've been feeling. 

"Babe, I'm home!" Jack shouted from the living room at least a half hour later. 

At least ten minutes ago, I had had a sharp pain in my side, so I had gotten up and started pacing around the bedroom, trying to work it out. I hadn't called Jack because I knew he'd be home in a little while anyway. I knew my labor was starting - given that I had spent endless nights reading about everything to do with all of this. 

"Hey," Jack said as he walked into our room. "Um, what are you doing?"

"It's time," I said, giving him a small smile. 

"W-What do you mean?" he asked. 

"Jack, it's time," I laughed, walking over to him. "You know, for these two little lives you helped create."

"Oh!" he said, making me laugh. "Do you want to go to hospital?"

"Not right now," I said. "My contractions just started, like, ten minutes ago. Probably shouldn't go until they're at least ten minutes apart. And besides, my water hasn't even broken yet."

"Okay," Jack said. "Did you want to go downstairs now so it's not harder for you to later?"

"I think that's a good idea," I said. "Grab the hospital bag?"

"Yeah," he smiled, running to our closet and grabbing the bag that we've had packed for at least two months. 

Jack took my arm, then helped me down the stairs and into the living room. He set the bag by the door, then came back by me. I told him to sit down because I was fine. If I needed him, I'd tell him, and besides, I'm not even sure when my second contraction will come anyway. And as I told him before, my water hasn't even broken yet. 

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