Your Secret's Out (Patrick's POV)

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"Jaim, babe, we gotta get going!" Pete shouted up the stairs, while I grabbed the car keys.

"Coming," we faintly heard Jaimee say as she came down the stairs.

Not to sound like a bad parent, but she looked ... horrible. You could tell she lazily put her hair up into a messy bun, she just had on pajama pants and an old tee, then no makeup. Anyone who's anyone could tell that she was feeling downright shitty. In fact, that's exactly what she said when Pete asked her how she was feeling today. She said she'd been throwing up nearly every two hours throughout the night, and got no sleep whatsoever. I felt terrible. My baby girl was sick and I couldn't do anything about it. For once, I actually felt helpless in trying to help one of my kids.

Pete wrapped his arms around Jaimee, then we walked outside and hopped into the vehicle. Jaimee instantly laid her head against the back of the seat and closed her eyes. I started the vehicle, then pulled out of the driveway and onto the street. Thankfully, it was only a ten minute drive to the doctor's office, but it took me a little longer because I was finally being a defensive driver; not wanting to drive too fast or take turns too fast for Jaim's sake.

Once I parked in the parking lot, the three of us hopped out, then walked inside. I had Pete go take Jaimee and sit down with her while I let the man behind the desk know that we were here for Jaimee's appointment. He smiled, said he'd let a nurse know, then I said thank you and went and sat down. Jaimee instantly laid her head on my shoulder, so I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her close. Honestly, at first I was just thinking that she had the flu, given her symptoms, but after all that's been happening, I feel like it's something more. Not too much more, hopefully.

"Jaimee?" a lady walked out of a door, smiling.

Pete, Jaimee, and I stood up, then followed the lady back into a room down a few hallways. She had Jaimee sit on the bed, then Pete and I sat in the two chairs against the wall. The nurse, whose name was Julie, asked Jaim the typical questions, like: how are you feeling? Are you achy? Headaches? Have you been vomiting a lot? Then she took her temperature. Not to mine and Pete's surprise, Jaim was running a one hundred and two fever - again. Julie finished her questions with jaimee after that, the left, saying that the doctor would be with us soon. We thanked her, then she closed the door.

Jaimee fell back on the bed, coughing a few times, then she let out a long sigh. Pete and I look at one another with saddened faces, then turned back and looked at Jaim, who had her hands rested over her eyes, blocking out the bright light above her. Just a few short minutes later, there was a small knock at the door, then the doctor walked in.

"Hey guys," she smiled.

"Hey," Pete and I said.

"So, I can assume Jaimee isn't feeling up to par?" she asked.

"Not one bit," I said, answering for Jaimee, who was still laying on the bed.

"What's going on?" she asked.

Pete and I explained that, ever since a couple days ago, Jaimee's been complaining about feeling nauseous, having sore throats, having flu-like symptoms, and feeling hot - aka, the fevers. After that, she talked to Jaimee a little bit, asking her questions somewhat similar to Julie's, then she took Jaim's temperature again. She asked Jaimee if she's been having pain in her joints at all, and Jaimee said that her knees and shoulders have been a little sore, but she just attributed it to being in bed all day and having them lock up.

"Is that all you've been feeling?" the doctor asked, and Jaimee said yes. "Alright, I think I know what's going on."

"What is it?" Pete and I asked.

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