... It Really Is A Good One - Or Two - Or Maybe Three (Pete's POV)

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"How far apart are they, baby?" Patrick asked me, taking my hand in his.

"U-Um, about fifteen minutes or so," I answered.

My contractions had started around two this afternoon - just about an hour after Jack had brought Ethan back home. Jaimee, ever since about a week ago, has been feeling much, much better, so with everything going on with me right now, she's keeping Eth occupied. I really don't think I could ever thank her enough for that. She even volunteered to stay behind at the house here with Ethan when Patrick takes me to the hospital. 

I've been in labor for about an hour and a half now, and this one's worse than with Jaimee - definitely. I'm in a lot more pain than I was with her, but every pregnancy is different. All I can focus on now, though, is getting this baby out of me. Sure, I'll have another scar, but you know what? It's totally worth it. Because of that scar, it means that Patrick and I finally brought little Jackson into the world - a life he and I created together. Just thinking about that makes me happy. 

"God dammit!" I tried not to shout as another contraction took over. Patrick was right next to me, rubbing my back and allowing me to grip his hand tight. He'd been through this before, trust me. "God, you're the best husband ever," I said as my contraction subsided after thirty seconds or so. 

"Babe, anything to make this easier on you, I'll do it," Patrick said, rubbing my upper back now. "When do you want to go to the hospital?"

"Wanna head out now?" I asked.

"Babe, it's up to you," he said.

"Let's go now," I said, standing back upward. "Can you go tell Jaimee? I can get into the vehicle myself."

"You sure?" he asked, I nodded. "Alright, you go do that, then I'll grab our bag and tell Jaim."

I walked out the door, grabbing the keys in the process. I hit the unlock button, then I hopped into the passenger seat. I waited for Patrick for a few minutes, starting the vehicle and blasting the cool air against me to cool me down while I waited. After another minute or two, Patrick came running out of the house and into the vehicle - and another contraction hit me, making me scream as I grabbed Patrick's hand before he was even able to sit down. 

"Shit, that hurt," I breathed heavily after the contraction subsided. 

"I can agree to that. I almost fell out of the vehicle," Patrick chuckled. 

"Sorry, baby," I gave him a small chuckle back.

"Let's just go have our baby," Patrick smiled at me, then pulled out of the driveway and started towards the hospital. 

After ten minutes, we were there. Right as I was about to step out of the vehicle, I had another contraction, but Patrick rushed right to my side and helped me. After it had subsided, we walked into the hospital, getting to head straight to a room right away, since Patrick had filled out the forms and paperwork already. I was glad, because all I wanted to do was lay down and get this kid out of me.

As Patrick and I were following a nurse down the hallway, we noticed Jack walking towards us with his phone in hand, not even looking up and noticing us. He nearly passed us before he looked up.

"Jack," Patrick laughed. 

"I was just about to call you guys," Jack said. 

"Pat, I gotta go with the nurse. Promise me you'll be in there in a few?" I said.

"I promise, babe," Patrick said, giving me a small kiss before I followed the nurse into my room.

She had me change into a hospital gown, then I instantly laid on my bed. My back and feet were killing me, so laying down was my only focus. That, and getting this baby out of me. After a few more minutes - and after another contraction that I had to grab a nurses hand for while I tried not to scream - Patrick came back into the room with a smile plastered on his face. He rushed straight to my side, apologizing for taking so long.

"Babe, it's fine," I said, gripping his hand. "Anyway, why was Jack here?"

"Jack was here because," Patrick paused, a smile growing on his face again. "our baby girl just had babies."

"Emily just had her babies?!" I asked, a smile growing on my face too.

"Yup! Jack and her forgot to call us and let us know with everythin' going on," he chuckled. "Jack and Emily have got two new, little additions."

"And we're about to have one too," I chuckled. "Three babies in one day from the same family."

"Amazing," Patrick smiled. "Yeah, apparently Em went into labor a little while after Jack left to bring Ethan back to us, then the babies were born a little after three. Their little girl was born at 3:01, then their little boy was born at 3:10."

"God, I can't wait to see our little grandbabies, then to finally see our little boy," I smiled.

Patrick smiled at me, then leaned down and kissed me, still holding my hand in his. Not even a minute later, another contraction consumed me, then our doctor said that it was time to get me prepped for the c-section. The nurse gave Patrick scrubs to slip on, which he did as they prepped me for my surgery. Patrick was soon back by my side, holding my hand and stroking my hair with his other hand. There was the little curtain in front of us, and by the time the doctor said that they were going to start the c-section, I was incredibly loopy - for lack of a better word. It was like I was in that mood where you're just about to fall asleep and your eyes are closing, then opening, then closing again, and it's doing that over and over. 

It didn't seen like too long, but before I knew it, I could faintly hear crying. Patrick looked behind the curtain, then gave me a big smile, telling me that our little boy was finally here. I smiled up at him, then closed my eyes again and letting my hand go limp in Patrick's. 

"H-Hey," I faintly heard Patrick say. "What's happening?"

"Sir, you're going to have to step outside, please," I faintly heard a nurse say.

"Pete!" I heard Patrick yell.

Me and You Against the World (Book Five in the Peterick Mpreg Series)Where stories live. Discover now