Every Breath You Take (Pete's POV)

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"Are you ready, babe?" I asked Patrick, who was putting his sweatshirt on.

"Yeah," he gave me a smile. "Are you sure you don't want to come, Jaim?"

"No," she said. "I don't really want to see her like that."

"Alright," Patrick said, walking over to her and hugging her. "She's ok. Just know that."

Jaimee gave him a small smile, then hugged him back. Patrick soon let go, then said goodbye to Jaimee and Nick - I swear he practically lives here now. I put my sweatshirt on, then Patrick and I walked out of the house and hopped into the vehicle. Patrick drove this time, and after he pulled out of the driveway, he reached down and took my hand in his. I gave him a smile, then gripped it hand tighter.

After about ten minutes or so, we pulled up in front of the hospital and Patrick parked. We hopped out, then walked inside. We made our way down to the front desk, then asked what room Emily was in; Jack had texted us last night to tell us, but he never mentioned what room. The lady happily told us, then we said thank you and walked down the hallway and found her room. Patrick gently knocked, then opened the door.

"Hey guys," Jack greeted us - and only Jack ...

"Hey," Patrick got a weird look on his face. "Where's Em?"

"Well," Jack said, motioning for Patrick and I to sit down. "Last night, Emily was saying her cramps were getting worse and she felt more nauseous, but she promised she'd tell me if it became too much. After that, she moved around a lot, then threw up again, but she said it was from the pain because she didn't feel nauseous anymore. I went and got the doctor after that and told him that she was in a lot more pain, then he came in a few minutes later and gave her more pain medication. That honestly didn't help at all, and Emily was literally curled up in a ball on her bed from being in so much pain. The doctor came back about a half hour later to see how she was doing, then we told him that the medication wasn't helping at all, so then he had her lay all the way down, which was really hard for her because of the pain. She eventually did it though, and then the doctor started feeling around on her where she said the pain was. He felt her lower stomach, then a little lower because Em said she was having more pain lower then, then he felt on her side, then her back. After he finished, she shot up in the bed and hung her feet over the edge, then gripped her stomach again. The doctor said he wanted to get her in for an ultrasound first thing this morning, so that's where she is."

"Did she seem better this morning?" I asked.

"A little bit," Jack said. "but not much. She was still gripping her stomach and I'm pretty sure she didn't get any sleep last night."

"Any idea when she'll be back?" Patrick asked. 

"She was taken out about a half hour ago, then the doctor said it should only take a little over a half hour, so I'm guessing she should be back in just a few minutes," Jack said.

"Good," I said. 

The three of us sat in Emily's room for another five minutes, talking here and there, but it was mostly filled with awkward silence. I think Patrick and I thought that she was better not, at least for the most part, but then Jack tells us that she was in so much more pain. It kind of breaks my heart. I don't want to see my baby girl in so much pain, let alone sleeping in a hospital bed.

All of the silence got broken a few minutes later by Emily getting wheeled back into the room. She was still gripping her stomach like Jack said, but she instantly perked up when she saw Patrick and I. She lifted herself out of the wheelchair, trying to ignnore the pain, but then she wrapped her arms around Patrick and I. The nurse took the wheelchair out of the room, smiled, then left. After another minute or two, Patrick and I helped Em to her bed, then she sat down on the edge of the bed.

"So, are you feeling any better?" I asked. "Jack filled us in about last night."

"I mean, the pain is like a little better, but it's still really painful," she said, grabbing her stomach again. "The doctor said he'd probably be in here within a few minutes to go over the ultrasound with me."

"I hope everything's alright," Patrick said.

"You're telling me," she let out a small chuckle, then Jack came and sat by her on the edge of the bed. Emily gave him a smile, then grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze, which made me smile.

"So, I would assume you two lovebirds are back on board with one another?" I chuckled.

"Of course," Emily smiled, then rested her head on Jack's shoulder. Jack wrapped his arm around her, then pulled her closer. 

"I'm glad," Patrick smiled at them.

"Me too," Jack said. 

We talked for a few more minutes, then stopped. I could tell Emily was in a lot of pain again because she wasn't saying much at all, and she winced in pain a few times. I felt terrible, but then Jack rubbed her back when she laid on her side. She seemed to feel a little better after that, so that made me feel a little better.

"Emily?" there was a soft knock at the door, then it opened. "Oh, hello everyone."

"Hey doc," I laughed.

"I've come to talk about the ultrasound and what I found," he said. "Is it ok if everyone's in here?"

"Yeah," Emily said. 

"Alright," the doctor said, pulling up a stool again, then sitting down. "Well, we've found out why you've been having so much pain."

"What is it?" Jack asked.

"Well, you two said you had gone to a hospital in Hawaii a couple days before you left, then the doctor told you you had miscarried, right?" the doctor asked.

"Yeah," Emily said.

"Alright, well, what the doctor there failed to notice was the fact that you were pregnant with twins," the doctor paused, and that's when Emily's face got a worried look on it. "I'm sorry to inform you, but once you two left Hawaii, Emily, you were still pregnant with one twin. You had only miscarried one child, not both. After the stress of everything that happened in the past day or two, it caused you to lose the second baby."

"Oh my god," Emily said, covering her mouth as she started crying.

"I'm sorry," the doctor said, getting up. "I'll leave you alone to talk about it." And with that, he left the room. 

Nobody talked at all after he left. The only thing that was present was Emily's cries, but they were soon muffled by Jack pulling her into his arms and comforting her. I felt absolutely terrible. I didn't even know what to say. I was speechless. I think everyone else was too. We stayed that way for at least another ten minutes, and Emily's crying barely ceased. I wish I could say I know what she's going though, but I can't ... I wish I could because maybe it'd be easier on her, but I can't.

"We're going to step out for a bit. You and Jack should talk," Patrick said, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the room, then down the hall and into the waiting room. "I can't even fathom this."

"Neither can I," I said. "I feel terrible."

"I do too," Patrick said, sighing. "I wish I knew what she was going through so I could help her."

"I was just thinking the same thing," I sighed. "She's our little girl, I just want to help her."

"I hope Jack can help her," Patrick said.

"Me too," I said. "God, I feel so bad."

"Just don't blame yourself," he said.

"I'm trying not to," I said.

*weird, stupid ending, oops*

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