Just Keep Your Eyes On Me (Emily's POV)

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"Are you excited?" Jack asked me as he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me.

"Yes," I smiled as I turned around and wrapped my arms around his neck. "First ultrasounds are always great."

"I'm excited too," he laughed.

Given my past with the miscarriages, my doctor recommended that I have an earlier ultrasound than what's normally done. Most first ultrasounds are done between the tenth and thirteenth week of pregnancy, but mines being done in the eighth week, just to be sure everything's going well. As far as I'm concerned, I feel fine. I feel like everything's going great! Jack and I are really being patient with one another, and so far, it's working. I can't complain at all. And I was already starting to show too! I'm kind of surprised because it is still early in my pregnancy, but everyone's different.

"Ready to head out?" Jack asked me.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Lets do it."

Jack and I walked out the front door, closing and locking the door behind us, then we hopped into the vehicle. Jack insisted on driving, so I let him. He drove off, then took my hand in his. We arrived at the doctors office about ten minutes later and hoped out and walked in. Jack had me go sit down while he let the lady at the desk know we were there.

"Thanks babe," I smiled at Jack as he came and sat down by me.

"I gotcha boo!" he said, making me laugh.

"You're so weird," I chuckled.

We kept making small talk for at least fifteen minutes. People would come and go from the waiting room, until it was only Jack and I left in the room. A nurse soon came and got us and apologized for the wait. I said it was fine, then chuckled. She led us back to a room and had me sit on a little bed-type thing, then Jack stood beside me. She sat down and just asked me a few normal questions, like how I was feeling, how my stomach feels, things like that. After she finished, she smiled and said that the doctor should be in with us shortly, then left.

"When can we find out the gender?" Jack asked. "I mean, I know we can't today, and not for a while, but do you know?"

"I've been looking up stuff," I chuckled. "You can normally find out around the eighteenth or nineteenth week of pregnancy."

"That's so far away!" he laughed.

"But it'll probably go fast," I smirked.

"True," he smiled, then took my hand again.

A few minutes after that, the doctor came in. She introduced herself as Claire, then shook our hands. She basically explained what would happen as she got everything ready. We agreed, then she sat down on a stool, then asked if I could lift my shirt up a little. I did so, then she explained that she'd be putting a gel on my stomach, then she'd use a device called a transducer and move it around. She explained that we'd be able to hear the baby's heartbeat and see the baby, but it obviously wouldn't exactly look like a baby.

"Is it going to look like a little alien?" Jack asked.

"Jack!" I laughed as I hit his arm lightly.

"Honestly, it does," Claire laughed. "A lot of people say that's what it looks like."

"I rest my case," Jack smirked.

Claire and I laughed, then she put the gel on my stomach and then the device. She moved it around for a few seconds, then stopped once she got towards the right side of my stomach. Jack was holding my hand again, then he looked down and smiled at me.

"There's your baby's heartbeat," she smiled at us as a strong heartbeat came through the monitor. I looked at Jack and smiled a big smile. "It's strong!"

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